Friday, August 31, 2012

Cameron Corner Day 11

Day 11 - Monday 20th August 2012
Noccundra to Bourke
Distance traveled 550kms, Mostly very rough very corrugated horrible to drive on dirt.
It was a very cold night the coldest so far of all nights.  I slept all night completely under the covers leaving a very small gap to get the air in.  We were snug and warm but it was very cold out.  Since we had a massive days drive we had to pack and be on the road by 8.30am!!!  It was an early cold start but we were on the road and pushing to Thargominda for fuel and supplies.  We made it in before 10am fueled stocked up and back on the move by 10.30am.  We then were pushing on to make Hungrford for lunch.  We found a great park to stop and rest stretch and have lunch.  From here the roads turned bad the corrugations were bone shattering and had to be drove over with white knuckles holding the wheel.  James was very tired so not far out from lunch he fell asleep and some how snored through the worst of it all.  By the time we pulled into Bourke we had enough of sitting in the car.  We had spread out over the afternoon so we met up at the Info & exhibition center to then head out to camp.  We were camping at the food and huts by Mt Oxley.  We pulled into camp by 5pm and set up.   There was a great camp kitchen to use with a long table that was big enough to seat all of us.  We all ate dinner together then Jen taught us a new card game and we played well into the night with plenty of wine flowing to make it all the more merrier.

 Sunrise at Noccundra.

 Its a Wagon wheel....
 Mr Driver :)

 Oh dear the dust.......

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