Monday, January 02, 2012

Wonnangatta to Talbotville.

Incase we were lost?
The track goes DOWN!!!
Where my shoe ended up after the ups and downs.

We woke and packed and were ready by 9am to get going.  We had a look around the cemetery and the ruins before leaving the area.  When the boys got back last night they said that the Wombat track that we were told was the better track was actually harder and Herne Spur Track which is known as the steeper harder track was easier out of the two.  We decided though that we would venture into the unknown and take Hart Spur track across to Tea Tree range track then onto Racecourse which would put us at the same ending location on Crooked River Track.  We then crossed the river and made it into Talbotville for lunch.

We had crossed atleast 10 river crossings most just short easy ones but the last was larger. We were surprised at how busy the area was and decided to explore other camping options before taking a space in the middle of the hot paddock.  We headed up Macmillians track it was only 10km to the historic town ship of Grant.  On the way up the track David experienced a over heating problem.  Matt was right infront of him so he stopped with him.  We pushed on up the road to Grant and had a search for a camping spot.  

The area was vacant and there was a great area to camp under shady trees with a big fire pit in the middle also with a very new toilet. We headed out to the main road to wait for the others.  While waiting we got a shock when surprise surprise  Rhys and Effie showed up to spend New Years with us, YAY!!!

We waited about another 30min and then got radio contact that David was ok and back on the move.  It was not long before they got to us and we decided that to camp at Grant was preferred over the crowds and going back down the hill to Talbotville. 

We made camp and got happy hour going and then partied till it was 2012 I made our first damper for the trip and David made his beer bread both were enjoyed by all. We wished everyone a Happy New year with Sparklers and not long later headed to bed.

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