Sunday, January 08, 2012

Bentely Plain to The Poplars

When we woke everything was still wet and the clouds were still low and cool. It was not fun packing away wet tents and tarps but we had it done and set off before 10am.  It was a nice fast road we traveled on for the first 50kms we passed a few logging trucks and made it to Limestone Creek Track with heaps of time to still get to camp.  The track from here slowed right down and we were back into low range.  It was a easy track just plenty of hills and rocky surface. 

We pulled into camp about 1pm and found a great spot for the 3 cars with shade and some grass right beside the Murray River. We first set up shade and dried our tents then got them set up.  We had lunch and then went to cool off in the river.  We had fun standing on either side of the river being in Victoria and NSW.

We all had a quiet afternoon just napping and chilling out.  James decided to go and collect fire wood and he fell down the hill and grazed his knee badly.  Nurse Amy and Mel got to work and he was cleaned up and patched up with a cool beverage in hand in no time.

Not long after dinner the clouds pushed in and the wind picked up and it was cool very cool so with James being sore we decided to batten down the hatches pack away as much as possible and we went to bed early.

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