Sunday, January 08, 2012

Bentleys Plain rest/exploring day.

Well there was supposed to be a cool change push through and it sure did.  Not many were awake till nearly 9am so it was a slow start.  There was cloud cover and it was cool.  After breakfast we decided to take a drive it was just in time, as soon as we had packed and were in the cars the fog and mist moved in and it started to drizzle.  The plan for the day was to take a drive and explore and charge the batteries.  We had a general idea of where we wanted to cover and off we set.

We only took one wrong turn and all 3 cars missed the signs but it was not long before we were back on track and heading south just enjoying being dry warm and the terrain. We followed a great track named Camp Oven Gap Track it was a main track but at times it was more like a goat track.  We found some fantastic places to swim and camp along a stunning river if the temperature was a nice 20degrees warmer we would have stopped but with mist and rain it was just nice to look at.

We pushed on and decided to stop for a break around 2pm at the huts.  From here we wanted to take the quick route home so we got out the maps decided where to head and were back at camp about 2hrs later.  On the way we stopped to take the occasional photo and I saw brumbies but they moved to quick to get a picture.

Back at camp everything was wet and very cool.  The temp had dropped to 11degrees after a top of 16 was reached so we got the fire going and rugged up.  It did stop raining and we all hope it won’t continue for the rest of our trip.  We played a few rounds of poker again tonight.  We had a roaring fire and kept warm and dry.

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