Sunday, January 08, 2012

The Poplars to Home

We wanted to get a early start to the day so we were up and packed and on track by 8.30am.  We passed a few convoys on our way out and made it to the Murray River to cross by 11am.  James wanted to video the crossing so I had to drive across it and then back to get him.  As I approached him the bow wave washed up and drowned one of his boots. Back across we went and on into Tom Groggin to air up.

We farewelled the Pryor family here as they decided to head up the Apline way towards Yass and we headed for Jindabyne and onto Cooma. So then we were back to travelling solo.  We made a stop in Jindabyne and I got a few things for lunch and dinner and also lots of things to sort out James’s leg.

We stopped at a nice park in Cooma and had a picnic lunch.  It was not long till we were back on the road in Canberra and then out to the highway home.  We made a fuel and coffee rest stop at Marulan and then got home just on 7.00pm.

We unpacked the roof and most the car showered had dinner and flaked out to bed, happy, relaxed and extremely pleased with how everything went so smoothly on the trip.

Us2martins been through the Victorian High Country.

The Poplars rest day.

We didn’t get any rain last night and woke to another wonderful clear sky day.

Ben and Lani decided to head home today and the rest of us wanted to take a drive up to Davies Plain and then onto watch them cross the Murray so after they packed and we were ready we headed off.  It was my first time driving on the trip as James is too sore to drive.

I enjoyed the day of getting back behind the wheel.  It is only 40kms from camp to the crossing but it took us 2 and a half hours to drive it.  The road is steep in sections and has lots of sections of rocky base which makes for slow going.

After seeing them across the river we headed back to Buckwong Creek camping area and had a short lunch break.  We then pushed on back up to Davies Plain Hut and took some photos and read about the area.

On the way back to camp we were getting low on fuel so we stopped in at Charlies Creek Camping area and put the fuel off the roof in to the car. Charlies Creek Camping area is one of the most serene beautiful areas we saw in the area.  It was almost like the grass had been mowed and with a crystal clear creek flowing it was tempting to lay out a blanket and have a nap but we just continued on back to camp for our last night.

For our last night we decided to do a mega happy hour so we snacked and made a fire then packed away as much as we could so we can get an early start tomorrow. 

Time to now sit back and enjoy the sounds of the river running and the fire crackling on our last night at camp L.

Bentely Plain to The Poplars

When we woke everything was still wet and the clouds were still low and cool. It was not fun packing away wet tents and tarps but we had it done and set off before 10am.  It was a nice fast road we traveled on for the first 50kms we passed a few logging trucks and made it to Limestone Creek Track with heaps of time to still get to camp.  The track from here slowed right down and we were back into low range.  It was a easy track just plenty of hills and rocky surface. 

We pulled into camp about 1pm and found a great spot for the 3 cars with shade and some grass right beside the Murray River. We first set up shade and dried our tents then got them set up.  We had lunch and then went to cool off in the river.  We had fun standing on either side of the river being in Victoria and NSW.

We all had a quiet afternoon just napping and chilling out.  James decided to go and collect fire wood and he fell down the hill and grazed his knee badly.  Nurse Amy and Mel got to work and he was cleaned up and patched up with a cool beverage in hand in no time.

Not long after dinner the clouds pushed in and the wind picked up and it was cool very cool so with James being sore we decided to batten down the hatches pack away as much as possible and we went to bed early.

Bentleys Plain rest/exploring day.

Well there was supposed to be a cool change push through and it sure did.  Not many were awake till nearly 9am so it was a slow start.  There was cloud cover and it was cool.  After breakfast we decided to take a drive it was just in time, as soon as we had packed and were in the cars the fog and mist moved in and it started to drizzle.  The plan for the day was to take a drive and explore and charge the batteries.  We had a general idea of where we wanted to cover and off we set.

We only took one wrong turn and all 3 cars missed the signs but it was not long before we were back on track and heading south just enjoying being dry warm and the terrain. We followed a great track named Camp Oven Gap Track it was a main track but at times it was more like a goat track.  We found some fantastic places to swim and camp along a stunning river if the temperature was a nice 20degrees warmer we would have stopped but with mist and rain it was just nice to look at.

We pushed on and decided to stop for a break around 2pm at the huts.  From here we wanted to take the quick route home so we got out the maps decided where to head and were back at camp about 2hrs later.  On the way we stopped to take the occasional photo and I saw brumbies but they moved to quick to get a picture.

Back at camp everything was wet and very cool.  The temp had dropped to 11degrees after a top of 16 was reached so we got the fire going and rugged up.  It did stop raining and we all hope it won’t continue for the rest of our trip.  We played a few rounds of poker again tonight.  We had a roaring fire and kept warm and dry.

Omeo to Bentleys Plain

It was a nice cool start to the day but the prediction was it was going to get hot.  We packed and headed to town to get Food, Fuel and breakfast.  Ben, Lani, Matt, Mel and the kids had a look through the town and a few shops after breakfast.  We were all ready to leave just on 10am.  At this stage we could feel the heat in the sun and were happy to be in the cars and on the move.

It was only about 20kms down the road we turned off and were back onto dirt.  We aired down turned on the air-con and pushed on.  It was a long climb up and over the mountain and across the top.  
We saw on the track ahead a old Steam Powered logging winch site ahead.  We pulled in and were so fascinated with the information and age of the machinery that is still there.  Some of the pullies were still in the trees and many of the large wires were still hanging. After taking photos we pushed onto camp. 

We were surprised to come across Moscow Villa and read the story about it.  The hut is in great condition and the national parks guys were there cutting up wood for any visitors who wanted to stay the night and use the fire place.  It is only 200m from here to camp.  At camp we all found a nice shady spot to put our tents the shelter was put up over the picnic table and there were more national park workers cutting wood and placing it by the fire pit for us to use.

It was a hot day so the boys went driving looking for a river and the girls had naps and read.  The afternoon just rolled by and soon the roast was on and we were cooling off.  Tonight we played Texas hold em poker.  I won 2 rounds and Ben won 1.  It was a very funny great night.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Grant to Omeo via Blue Rag Range Track

From the onset of the trip I had said to everyone I didn’t expect to leave camp till about 10am but every day we are all packed and ready by 9am so we are always getting an early start. Today we fare welled the Shapcott family along the track just as we turned off to do the Blue Rag Range Track and later as we aired up before the bitumen to Hotham we said bye to Rhys and Effie.

It was a quick easy run on a good dirt road to Blue Rag Range Track.  Rhys aired down and we set off up the track.  From the main road to the summit it is only 3.5km but it is steep and there is not a lot of track and at times there is only track and nothing either side of the car.

The track well what can be said.  It was interesting not easy at all.  We didn’t have any troubles traversing it and all the convoy made it to the top safely.  I was doing fine with it till the very last bit of track.  It was steep and rocky and there was no good line it was a case of point and put down the foot and just hope for the best.  Well anxiety kicked in and by we climbed the last 10mtrs I didn’t feel very well and needed a break out of the car. All the cars made it up behind us and we started enjoying the view. 

It was just then that someone noticed our back left tyre had a bulge in it and we would need to change it.  Now those who have traveled with us will know nothing ever goes to plan and to make a long story short the rear bumper had to be removed to finally get the spare tyre out from under the car.  Once the spare was out and on it was not long before it was all done packed away and we were moving that cars into place for group photos.

We then decided that instead of making camp super early we would make further forward progress and push on into Mt Hotham for lunch.   Not much in Hotham was open as it was a public holiday so we kept going on down to Dinner Plain.  We had a nice cafe lunch and decided that a night in the Omeo Van park was needed to do washing and have showers.  We called and they had room so we drove the next 43kms and pulled into the van park.  I don’t think Mel or I have ever been so happy to be able to do washing.  We both did a load and hung it out.  We had a quick dip in the river then had showers.  It was dinner then the boys filled up the water supplies and took a quick tour through town. We then called it a night and hit the sack ready for stocking up tomorrow and heading bush for the next week.

New Years day Dargo

We had a slow and relaxed morning and headed off into Dargo for Fuel, some supplies and a Pub lunch.  We were in luck there was not much of a queue for fuel and we got in right on time for lunch and were first to place orders. 

The pub lunches were good sized country meals and we all enjoyed having a cool ale for lunch also. From here those who needed supplies grabbed them and we set off to find a swimming area.  We had originally planned to stay a night at Italian Flat camp ground but we made a change to our itinerary and would not be staying here.  So we took a drive and found that it is a great place to camp and is on our list of places to stay next time.  

We spent about 3 hours swimming and keeping cool. It was then back to camp.  The boys played fixing cars and the girls played Sleeping Queens a card game.  We started drinking and happy hour came and went and it was not long before the fire was going we were relaxing for the last time as a whole group.
It was a very funny night around the fire with lots of chatter and songs sang.  I made damper and Effie made chocolate pudding and before we knew it, it was 1am and we decided to call it a night.