Wednesday, July 02, 2014

On the road again 2014

The day had finally come. We'd been think no and dreaming of this day for the past 2 months. Don't get me wrong we LOVED living in Perth and even more LOVED visiting back in Sydney but we have the bug and we wanted to be back on the road. 

The one part of Australia left to do to complete our "lap" was the north west coast. We were leaving Perth a day later then anticipated but it didn't matter. We needed an extra day to just do and settle and pack and re pack and finish all the odd jobs that needed to be done. So after we were confident that we had all necessary items and probably a few more we happily hooked up and farewelled Perth. 

The morning was cold but with clear sky's we turned our nose north and plodded along. First stop (after fuel) was the Pinnacles.

We pottered around seeing the funny rocks sticking up out of the ground. We posed with them and took various phone calls as people tried to reach us. From here we continued past lots of sea side towns to find our first camp at Sandy Cape. We picked a great spot which got the last of the afternoon sun and the first morning sun. James needed to do some work so after set up I changed into shorts and thongs and walked the 10 meters to the waters edge to unwind and let go the stresses. I walked up to the lookout and was blown away at the beauty of the area. We had a brilliant camp spot meters from the water for $15 a night within hours of Perth. James joined me on the beach and we walked to the opposite end where we could no longer walk. As we walked back we decided a cuppa tea while watching our first official sunset over the ocean was needed (yes very nanna of us) so we did just that. We got out the china cups and sat atop the sand dunes to watch the sun set. It was BEAUTIFUL. 

Day 2 and geez these mornings are cold we need to get a wriggle on going north to rid ourselves of this cold stuff. We packed and were on the move early. We plodded through Geraldton but decided to push onto Kalbarri. We took the scenic route in and were blown away with the views of the town. After a quick stop at the I we booked into the caravan park and then took a walk around the beaches and up to the lookout. We got back to the seating area near the park just before sunset and again watched the bright glowing orange sink into the sea. 

Kalbarri is such a beautiful town. It seems as though it survives on tourism and fishing. We headed out to the national park to do the walks. First stop was Natures Window. We wondered on down and were surprised and pleased to have the whole place to ourselves. We took loads of photos and thoroughly enjoyed just soaking in the beauty of the area.

We then did the 4 other walks in the park to various gorges and lookouts. After lunch at the last one we drove back through town and did 2 coastal walks. At the second one we saw a large pod of dolphins just below us. There would have been atleast 20 in the group all playing in the waves. We retired to camp to relax before walking back to the beach to watch the sunset again. 

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