Thursday, July 10, 2014

A whole year,

Yes a whole year since we started this amazing, scary, wonderful, adventurous journey. We looked at in figures initially. So from a numerical point of view - 
1 4wd,
2 Camper trailers,
2 Martins,
6 States, 
365 Days, 
33 thousand kilometres & countless memories made. 
When we headed north 365 days ago we would never have imagined the trip we have had. Initially the strangest thing to get used to was not knowing what lay ahead. In everyday life things are similar some would even say ground hog day like, well in our life it's any thing but that. We don't know what around the bend looks like or the next camp will be like so to not know and not have that visual impact in our lives was something that took getting used to. We have missed our family and friends more then we thought we would. Don't get us wrong we knew we would miss people but it's different to how we thought it would be. Our close network of people who we could easily see or catch up with are not around and were for a big part of the trip on a different time zone which brings with it it's own obstacles. We as a couple are far closer then we have ever been, now more then ever oh boy do we know how to push each other's buttons or can sense when we are needing a extra hug or support, especially though we have laughed and laughed more then we ever have. It's changed us as people, pushed us to do things we might never have done, we are happier, healthier and more whole after 1 year on the road.

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