Thursday, October 10, 2013

Southern walks, penguins, and friends

Sunday morning we woke to a misty overcast day. A day out driving and seeing the area was just the thing to do. We packed a light lunch, pulled out the maps and went exploring. First we drove to Billy Goats bend and walked to the lookout. Then drove down to Den Nargun. We did the walk out to the bluff but were fairly disappointed. Oh well at least we were out. We enjoyed our picnic here and turned our noses back towards camp. We were hoping to do the off road track back but it was closed. On the main road in to camp we noticed a track off to our left that did a bigger loop to camp. It wasn't in national parks area so not on the main map but we were running Ozi explorer so we turned left and engaged low range. It wasn't that much further back to camp this way but it took about an extra 30-40min because we were in low 2 almost the entire time either climbing up up up or hanging on for dear life as we descended. The steep downs were harder then the ups and we were thankful for the way we had come. (For anyone reading this who knows the track from Wonnangatta valley to Talbotville this track reminded us of that but more ups and downs as opposed to there where it's up up up then down down down). We arrived back to camp to find we were the only ones there, everyone else had packed up and headed home. We started a fire straight away to keep warm the low clouds had persisted. Later into the evening the misty drizzle set in so we were in and out from under the awning while the lamb shanks slowly cooked hanging over the fire. (The fire pits were fantastic with a BBQ plate, a grate style plate and 3 different level hooks to cook on, they all turned over or off the fire depending on what you wanted). After enjoying our shanks the rain had eased enough to sit by the fire and keep warm.

Monday morning was bright and sunny till we got up and went outside. It was cool and the rain clouds were approaching. We packed and hit the road towards Wilson's Promontory. It was further then we thought so after a quick grocery stop, fuel stop and lunch stop we arrived at camp about 3pm. We set camp then went walking. We headed for Norman beach then along the Loo Earn track. Back to camp as it was very cool in the wind.

Tuesday we woke early as we wanted to do the walk up to Pillar point which overlooks Norman beach, Tidal river and Squeeky beach. We had packed a picnic breakfast and were on the trail by 7.30am. With low clouds pushing through we just hoped for no rain. As we neared the Squeaky beach look out the misty rain became heavier but by the time we walked through the "Harry Potter) forest it cleared. We climbed up to the point and were not disappointed in the view. After some happy snaps we had our picnic and only got lightly rained on once. Back at camp we packed up and headed out towards Walkerville and tonight's camp Bear Gully Camping area. We are right on the coast in a lovely grassy spot. This place is free and has everything we need. We went for a walk along the beach, James had a play in the fresh water creek with his boat and then we enjoyed the partly sunny warmish afternoon. After dinner the sun was still just setting so we went and strolled along the beach.  Today we reached the Southern most part of the Australian mainland that we will visit. On the "Bucket list" we can now cross off together we have been to the Northern, Eastern, Southern on mainland and in Tasmania, and geographical center of Australia. Not all on this trip but hey maybe this trip will still include those other points also.

 Picnic Breakfast at the Southern most point we will be.

Wednesday we had a slow and easy start, we pack and were headed for Phillip Island by mid morning.  It wasn't far to travel so we were at our "beach house" accommodation by just after noon.  A good friend of my mum Jodie and her parents own a fantastic little house on Phillip Island in the township of Cowes.  They have had it for a long time and its set up for people just like us who are wanting a few nights on the island to call home.  My Dad has used the house when he went to the Moto GP and the Bloomfield family use it as their beach house when ever the need arises to get away from it all.  We were so appreciative to have a little place to call our own.  We could shower, wash clothing and have a little house to ourselves for a few days. After settling in we found the local Info center gathered necessary information and set about exploring. First visit was to the Chocolate Palace we had seen on the way in.  We enjoyed a hot chocolate and cake then bought a little to take away with us. We then went back and chilled at the house for a while till it was time to go and get ready to see the Penguin Parade. We had a cafe dinner strolled through the souvenir shop and resisted the urge to buy lots of Penguin things. Then we went down to the grand stands to pick our spot for the viewing.  We had a great position of front row right on the far corner near to where the Penguins would parade past.  As the sun set they came out from the water and made their way up the beach. We were not allowed to take any photos or videos so there wont be any to show on here. After most had arrived and waddled up the beach we strolled back up to the visitors center.  Just before we entered the building we stopped to watch a group of Penguins waddle up the road that runs behind the center.  There was one however standing watching the group of people, then a ranger said can everyone stand behind the lines please and she said into her radio stop the people at the line she is going to cross.  We all stood and watched then as the Penguin crossed the road.  If I had reached down and out I could have touched it the little thing came so close.  James then whispered in my ear "grab and RUN I will clear the path" we both had a giggle but it really was a special moment.

Thursday was a cooler overcast and gloomy day.  We pulled out all our Phillip Island information and made a rough plan for the day. First we visited Nobbies center which is at the very far point of the island and has an information section about all the local wildlife, cafe and souvenir shop. We then visited the Phillip Island race circuit which had a history of motor sport on the island, views of the track, gardens, a cafe and souvenir shop. Then onto the Vietnam Veterans War Museum where James visited I got a chance to chat with Mum and Alli while he looked through all the memorabilia, then we went back to the Nobbies center for an afternoon coffee and to enjoy the view again then home. There is heaps to do on the island and we have thoroughly enjoyed our day. 

 We didn't buy her but were tempted to get a new little mascot.

Friday we set out from Phillip Island early headed for Mornington Perninsular where we had found a beach reserve (these are a cross between caravan parks and national parks, they often have power and bathroom facilities and sometimes laundries but not always water available) that we wanted to stay at right on the beach at Rosebud. My girlfriend Dani who I hadn't seen for over 12 months was meeting us there about 10am with her little boy Liam who was an infant when we last caught up. We found the spot easy and had a nice level spot under the trees. Just as we hooked up the coffee machine Dani and Liam arrived. We spent the morning chatting and enjoying a long deserved catch up.  It was so nice to see Dani and Liam even for the short time we had together.  For the afternoon I had a nap as my back had gone into full spasm lock down and wasn't really responding to drugs so to try and relieve it I stretched out and slept. After waking it did respond to drugs though still tender it wasn't as sore as earlier.

Saturday we had a slow and drug induced start my back was slightly improved but still needed constant medication and stretching. We went for a drive and saw the Sorrento Ferry and into some of the other areas around the peninsular. Then James wanted to visit the Goldstream factory which is another company that makes trailers like ours. So we headed out and took a walk through their trailers. We had a quiet afternoon at camp enjoying the warm sun and relaxing by the water. 

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