Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Family catch ups, Gold Rush, WILD weather, Great Ocean Road &Shipwrecks,

As you can probably tell by the title, It's been a HUGE week. 

Sunday morning we were up early, it was still dark when the alarm went off. We were booked on the Sorrento ferry for 8am. We packed and arrived at the ferry looking back across the bay the weather was closing in. It was tough being up early but we were thankful for not having to pack up in the rain. The ferry trip was enjoyable and as we approached Queenscliff the heavens opened. We drove off into torrential rain. We arrived at my Auntie Andy's & Uncle Ben's mid morning. My cousins had all grown heaps it was nice to see Georgie, Hayden and Blake. We caught up over a cuppa then went out to a local town called Stieglitz. They were having a quilting day and Andy knew someone there. Stieglitz was a gold mining town back in its day so we wondered around getting rained on every now and then. After we went and visited my Uncle Terry, Auntie Tracie and their 4 kids. Now these boys sure know how to grow. I just couldn't get over that they were now young men not my kid cousins. We had a yummy afternoon tea while sharing stories and catching up. It had been way too long between visits. We were feeling comfortable being back around family.

Monday we visited my Grandad and then went for a scout around Geelong. We picked up a few things we needed but generally had a quiet and nice day.

 Tuesday off to Souverin Hill we went. We enjoyed visiting the park as James had never been and I hadn't been since I was little but for what it is and what's there it sure is a little expensive to get in. It was a nice day in that there was no rain but oh man the wind had ice in it. We ducked from shop to shop and show to show avoiding time outside as much as possible. We were invited to dinner at Terry and Tracie's house. It was a very funny night, it reminded me very much of when I was younger with my big brothers and family gatherings.
 For Dad, fire fighting the rough way.
 Smiling but yet freezing.
 Couldn't buy this as we could never eat anything we used it for.
 mmmm GOLD
 Wednesday we farewelled Andy and Ben and then packed up and visited Grandad to show him our trailer. Then we passed through Geelong to pick up supplies. Turning the car south west we set off to explore the Great Ocean Road. We only made it as far as Lorne when we decided to call it a day. We were in no hurry and the weather was warm (25 degrees) so we set camp and went walking along the beach. It was even warm enough for our feet to take a dip in the ocean. 

Over night it turned COLD and WET the wind blew and it was torrential at times. The forecast was not enticing with a top of 13 expected. We waited for a break in the rain and set about packing up. We had it closed, locked and hooked on just as more rain arrived. We continued along the G.O.R till we arrived in Apollo Bay. We dropped in to pick up some brochures at the information centre. While back in the car we got covered in hail. We waited for it to stop then pushed on with a few free camping spots in Otway National park to check out. We then really got "snowed" on. See it was not hail but snow like clumps that would splatter on impact mixed with hail. We know it as sleet but hey it was bloody cold enough for us to call it snow. The road went from black to covered in white in seconds. It looked like we were driving through snow and the car temperature gauge was dropping while we were climbing a hill, now that's a first. We turned off and headed out to check our camp. We found a level spot away from trees and decided that with this crappy weather we would call it a day. Tomorrow is supposed to be much nicer so we will continue our journey then.

 We woke to a super sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. We had a leisurely pack up then continued on. After very very nearly being taken out by a out of control logging truck our first stop was (to change undies) the Gibson Steps down to the beach to view the humongous apostle. It was super windy along the coast line which made for spectacular waves crashing against the rocks. We then visited the "official" viewing point of a further 5 Apostles then onto the Arch where the waves crashing against the Arch made for spectacular photos, onto London Bridge then the Bay of Islands. From what I've heard and read there's very little information about the Bay of Islands which is a shame as they are spectacular in colour and number. I'm certain so many people would not visit this area which is just along the coast and miss out on seeing it. From here we decided on where to stay for the night and pushed on just past Warranambool to Killarney Reserve camping area. It's a fantastic spot just behind the beach dunes. The wind was howling through and with use of free washing machines we put a load on and it was drying vertically within a short time. After eating dinner OUTSIDE (yay) we strolled along the beach admiring the sun setting and the moon rising. The Great Ocean Road really is spectacular and didn't disappoint not one bit.

 Saturday we decided to stick around and explore Warrnambool. We were in for a surprise as to what was in town and the enjoyment we got out of Flagstaff Hill. We arrived mid morning and strolled around the museum then the grounds for over 3 hours. It was a town set in the early 1800's and told the story of life by the sea and the shipwreck coast. As we headed back to camp we took a drive through then around Tower Hill. It's an old volcano which imploded a very long time ago. It was amazing to see as it's virtually right beside the highway but unless you turn off you don't know it's there. As the brochure says "Its often regarded as Australia's best kept secret" well we were not sure about that statement but it's in black and white so we will just have to believe it. Back at camp we did more washing and took a walk then had an early dinner before rugging up to head back to Flagstaff Hill for the night light and sound show.  We were taken by our tour guide to walk through town with lanterns down to the viewing grandstand along the way being given details of the fateful night when the Loch Ard hit the coast, where is now known as Loch Ard Gorge (sorry for the spoiler). It was an impressive show with vertical fountain creating a screen and the images were displayed from behind. The whole night was just over 75min. We thoroughly enjoyed our evening.
 Overlooking Flagstaff Hill
 James is da Bomb!!!

 This is where the night show is, we sat inside the building.
 Ducks wanting more.
 Tower Hill

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