Sunday, January 03, 2010

The LONG trip home.....

It started early we were lined up and through security at 6.30am and were finally boarded at 8.00am. We familiarised ourselves with the boat again and had a nice breakfast just before we left the dock. I had bought Travel Calm tablets for this trip as we were nervous about being awake for the whole day and feeling crappy. So for preventative measures we took both natural and medicated tablets and went and found our recliners.
We were in the second row this time which was not as good as the front row but the people in front were lying back so we could still have a good view. I was still tired so I managed to sneak in a 2hour nap. We then went to the onboard cinema and watched “The Young Victorian” It was well after lunch time so we grabbed some lunch and took more tablets as after we ate we were both feeling a little off. Ah then I realised that the 2 hour nap was not just due being tired it was drug induced and I decided that I would let the drugs work again and found my seat while James went back to the cinema and watched Astro Boy.
I woke to find James back and we were docking in Melbourne it was a quick and easy trip thanks to Travel Calm I would highly recommend it. We waited our turn and off we drove to officially finish our trip we just had to make the leg home.
The boat travelled 459kms in 9.5hours and we had a further 900kms to travel in 10hours. We stopped not far out of Melbourne to fuel up and James grabbed some dinner then he slept. I stopped in Holbrook to re fuel and stretch and then pushed on. I only made it another 100kms till it was my turn to sleep. It was 1.45am and I didn’t want to push myself. James took over and made 2 brief stops one for coffee and one for fuel and then we pulled into home at 5.30am. We unhooked the trailer and parked the car only getting out the basic essentials and walked up stairs to find our home and most importantly BED.
So this is the last post on this trip and not really anywhere as interesting as the rest but still part of our journey. We travelled over 4000kms in the car and nearly another 1000kms on the boat all in a fantastic 2 weeks.

Us2martins home from Tassie.

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