Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Australia Day @ Bendeathra

Saturday morning started early when we left home at 5.30am. We had the thought of is this worth it and the answer kept screaming YES just get there and we will remember why. So we put on our tail (trailer) and hit the road with bleary eyes. We pulled into Goulburn and filled up the car and our tummies with breakfast and coffee and pushed onto the Braidwood. In Braidwood we had a comfort stop and picked up the famous pies for lunch and headed off for camp. The road from Braidwood to the turn off is 70kms of mostly black top and some dirt for the last 15kms. We turned into the Middle Mountain Fire Trail and could smell the bush through the heat. Into camp was only another 23kms but it is fairly slow going. It took just 1hr to complete the track and as we crossed the first river we knew that the early morning and 5hrs on road and 1hr of stops was well worth it.
Mick, Nean, Aaron and Sara were about 20min ahead of us and had found a great spot to camp. We were on the hunt for something closer to the water then we had previously camped. We were still across the river but directly on the right side of the track under the trees providing plenty of shade and easy access to water. At this stage we were the only camp in this area though as the days passed more arrived but we were in no way cramped nor had anyone close to us.
Climbing out of the car was like stepping out of a fridge into an oven the air was thick and moist and very warm. We picked a spot and had camp set up within an hour taking our time and trying to keep cool. Just after we were set up a nice cool change camp through and we sat under the trees enjoying our Braidwood pies. The afternoon passed with Aaron learning to ride his bike and Mick pumping up the kid’s pool while James and he set up the pump and pumped water from the river to fill the pool. The kids were cool and tired and we sat around passing the time just enjoying the bush.

Sunday bought an even cooler change and the day stayed mostly overcast. Mick and Nean had packed golf clubs and balls so we headed out in the field and wacked the balls around for a while. We lost one ball into the thick ferns and found one in a wombat hole so we figured we were one for one. Walter arrived just on lunch time and found a nice shady spot under the trees also and set up camp. After lunch and nap time we headed down to the water for a dip. Being so close we walked up to the swimming hole and did the traditional jump in off the rock. The water was not warm but a very wonderfully cool but not cold temperature. After the swim we all felt so refreshed. The day passed with plenty of remote control car driving and fixing some riding of bikes exploring the area and reading papers and magazines. Before we knew it dusk was upon us and we made a delicious dinner and settled down of a night of dot sitting while catching up with good mates.

Ah Monday and the relaxing continues. The clouds had passed and the weather was again warm. We woke late and had a slow start to the day. Mick had taken the kids exploring and walked the track where we normally collect fire wood and discovered National parks in their wisdom have felled logs and dug holes to try and prevent people from driving the path. The issue now is that people have destroyed more bush and driven around the logs to go and collect fire wood. We have been seeing lyre birds and Mick found one again with the kids but it is too quick to get a picture of. It was time to erect the Hammocks and we had 2 perfectly placed trees to hang them from. The hammocks were a hit with the kids and then Nean and I both enjoyed a lay down. The day was heating up so we opted to go for a swim. Mick knew of a different water hole that we had never seen so he led the way and we all drove down to the water hole. At this water hole there is a great shallow area for the kids to walk around in and I caught a tad pole for them to look at and then there is a great hole with a rope swing into it. There was another group of people swimming and after the kids had finished Mick was the first to give it a go. I climbed next and managed to not exactly swing but rather half swing and mostly fall with the rope but it was still fun. Then Wally did the swing of all swings and went in for the all mighty huge bomb and it was all looking good until the last second when he held on too long and when he let go at the furthest point possible he landed with the world’s best back slap in to the water. To his credit the splash was good and his bright red back was even more spectacular to look at. To his credit Wally went back for more and the second time perfected his swing and landed with ease. We all had a few swings and then left the water to explore the area. We drove each and every track in the valley as we had always said we would and just never got around to it. We found some great places to try out camping so the next few times we go we can mix it up a bit and try different areas out. We were only back at camp for about an hour and decided that it again was too warm and headed down to the normal water hole for a dip. Again the water was a really comfortable temperature and we just sat and chatted while the kids played and splashed. We got back and made a fire and got it going to cook our roast dinner. The roast was wonderful and I followed it later with a damper with melted chocolate frogs inside. A perfect way to celebrate our last night.

Australia Day,
It was even warmer today but there still was that wonderful cool wind and we were under the trees so it didn’t bother us. When we woke Wally was packed and ready to go so we farewelled him and not long later Mick, Nean, Aaron and Sara all were packed and loaded. We finished packing and headed off by lunch time to get into Braidwood for a late lunch of the most wonderful pies again. The track in and out of Bendeathra has changed little over the years though it is getting to the point where in wet weather we wouldn’t tackle this particular track if we had the trailer attached. In the dry it is slow going with lowered tyre pressures. You have to have good ground clearance and plenty of grunt to get up some of the sections while picking the lines over the rocks and around the holes. The drive in was a little easier as most the harder sections you go down but you still have to have clearance and know how to pick the lines for your car and let the motor do a lot of the breaking for you. We were surprised by the easy run home with no traffic and by 7pm we were unpacked showered and enjoying a BBQ dinner with a Seeds in hand on a very Aussie Australia Day.

Us2martins celebrating Australia day in Bendeathra.

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