Monday, December 28, 2009

Step, Step, Step, Step...........Step

So it was the Marion’s Lookout walk we decided to tackle. It was rated as moderate and would take about 3 hours return. So we had a light breakfast packed our day bags with all necessary items and made our way with map in hand to the starting point at Dove Lake.
Well we have NEVER walked so many steps they just kept going up and up and up then we would turn a corner and more steps both natural and manmade but step after step after step we climbed with the occasional breather to admire the view. We could see several small groups of people ahead of us and we seemed to be keeping about the same pace so on we pushed.
We passed Lake Lilla and traversed past Wombat Pools and then we again started up the steps to Wombat peak. It was from there we realised how much further UP we had to go to get to Marion’s Lookout to then turn around and come back down it all. With conformation from another walker we had met earlier we knew exactly where we were on the track and decided to push on to the next track junction and then take a breather and decided what to do from that point. So step step step up and up we went with the occasional down and around we kept on stepping.
We made it to the junction of the Over land track where we could take the longer though slightly easier track back and took time to have a apple take some pictures and decided on what to do next. To say the next part looked daunting was an understatement it was a nearly straight up climb with a chain to hold onto up to the lookout a further 25minutes. So the choice was take the 25min straight up and then the shorter though steeper route back or take the longer almost all downhill route back to Ronnie’s car park. We had also booked on a tour for a 1pm departure so with time a little pressing we opted for the longer easier walk of heading back.
So from the junction we stepped and stepped and stepped our way down past Crater Lake and the boat shed and past Crater falls and along the Overland Track board walk out to Ronnie’s car park. The whole walk took us about 2 hours and we have NEVER walked so many steps.
We have both vowed though that next time WE WILL DO THE SUMMIT walk but now we know what we are in for we will do a whole lot more training to be ready for it because it would be spectacular to do.
The tour of the area was really interesting and gave a lot of insight into the history of the area and lots of information about the native fauna and animals. Just after we came back from our walk we went into the visitor centre to grab a coffee and sitting at the table next to us were the couple who sat next to us on the boat(it sure is a small world). We had a quick catch up with them and swapped places to visit. We then headed for camp had hot showers did more washing and are now sitting watching a raging fire that we built in the best camp kitchen ever just chilling and trying to stay awake long enough to get through dinner.

Us2martins stepping out in Tassie.

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