Monday, December 28, 2009

Ah Dot Sitting.....

A very good friend once described the action of sitting around camp as “Dot Sitting” or “Sitting on ones Dot”. There is nothing quite like it when you have been busy and you get to camp and you can fully relax just dot sitting talking crap with mates and taking in the serenity of it all. Today we woke late just for something different, then worked out that our mate Marcus with Jane and Laura were probably only about 1hr away so we had a quick breakfast and headed over to the picnic tables that are about 30meters from camp to set up our marquee and get into position for a day of dot sitting with mates.
From where we were we looked over the whole Cockle creek bay with the waves just gently lapping at the shore and the crystal clear ocean just looking magnificent we drank coffee had a BBQ lunch, talked heaps watched Laura bravely take a swim took heaps of photos and most importantly just dot sat and soaked it all in. Here we were sitting at the Southern most point of Australia for a whole day to just sit. Marcus, Jane and Laura had to leave at 2pm and we had talked of doing the 16km round trip walk to South cape but with heavy clouds hanging around and the fact we were just too relaxed to get motivated we walked back to our camper where I read my book for the next 3 hours and James tinkered on his remote control car.
Late afternoon we took a walk along the beach out to a whale statue and read about some of the local history and there is a little sign about the platform being the southernmost point of Australia. The one time I leave my camera in the car is when of course we wanted it but it is a short stroll so we will be back out there tomorrow to get some pictures.
We cooked up another great dinner then took the rest of a bottle of wine we have been enjoying and chairs and went down to the beach to wait for the sun to go down. The sun doesn’t fully set here in Tassie till almost 10pm and when we were down there another person we met on the boat showed up with his family so we chatted and laughed with them till dark just dot sitting taking it all in and really relaxing again.

Us2martins dot sitting in Tassie.
P.S. this one’s for you Leah.

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