Monday, December 28, 2009

A Day of Traversing...

So Christmas day it is. We woke to a quiet camp grounds though it was not long before people started to stir. We had a quick breakfast and packed up and hit the road with just over 300kms to cover we didn’t want to be getting into camp too late. We passed through Campbell Town on through Perth(just a little out of the way lol), drove past Deloraine through Elizabeth Town and then pushed on into Sheffield where we stopped for lunch and fuel.
It was then on up into Cradle Mountain. Now the road as you would imagine is one of THOSE roads where if you had a high performance sports car(hint hint Hammo) or rode a motor bike(nudge nudge Dad and Daniel) then you would LOVE to traverse it BUT if you are in a sluggish big heavy diesel towing a big trailer(mick you will get this) then you will just say well we won’t get there quick but we will get to see a whole lot more of the view for a whole lot longer. So up we drove and boy oh boy did the temperature DROP.
We found our camp grounds and spot easily and decided to see what the visitors centre could offer us in the way of information for walks to do tomorrow. It is only a few hundred meters down the road so we walked across and discovered there are HEAPS of walks to do so we had a few hours of day light left so we got on the bus and set off for our first walk.
We chose to take a easy walk for today and traversed the 6km Dove Lake walk which was alot of fun and gave us an insight into the types of terrain we are in for tomorrow. As for which walk/s we will be doing tomorrow you will just have to wait and see we are not sure yet and the weather will play a big part in it all so we are hoping for a day just like today. We got back to camp had GREAT hot showers and are now in the fantastic camp kitchen which is the BEST we have ever had the use of and have a roast slowly cooking in the camp oven, I just don’t think life could get much better.
Did a mention how much colder it is up here.....brrrrrrrrr

Us2martins traversing in Tassie.

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