Monday, January 27, 2014

Surprises, Farewells & Moving

I know in time I will read back on this and look back on it as just another incredible part of our journey but right now its all still so raw and I'm still recovering both emotionally and physically.  Its been a HUGE few weeks.

After the great news from Monica and Neil and with the bush fires still raging we chose to stay in the C/P for another week and a bit. Monday we moved campsites so we could be hooked onto power and water. We also met up with Ann and Gary who we had previously met at Lucky Bay in Cape Le Grande.  They also had "run" from the fires and had ended up across from us in the C/P. James and I stocked up and groceries and bought new hoses for the gas bottles and generally just set camp and kept cool.

We got very sad news today. My grandfather has passed away :( Neil Hart was a kind, friendly, gentle man who will be so very missed by all of his 4 children, 18 Grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. It was something we knew would happen in time but its never easy especially being so far from family. 

Tuesday we headed for Perth. We could buy a day pass for the both of us for all public transport for under $12. We arrived in the city and found the i. We discovered they run free walking tours about the city everyday at 11am so we booked onto that and went for a coffee while we waited.  The walking tour took 2 hours and was so fantastic we have recommended it to everyone. It was so good we then booked onto the afternoon walking tour which was about all the public art around the city. After both tours we found a small local park in Northbridge and laid under the umbrellas on the grass and watched Lleyton Hewitt loose his tennis match :( We didn't get back to camp till nearly 6.30pm.  After an easy dinner we chatted to Ann and Gary late into the night.

 London Court
 Town Hall
 Man through time
 Original Post Office
 Court House
 Bell Tower
 Inside London Court

 Train Tracks in the middle of the freeways. Clever!!
 Tennis and an umbrella.

 Free play & entertainment.

Wednesday we went into town with Ann & Gary.  They did the walking tour and we visited the Art Gallery.  We then met them down at the Bell tower and went to lunch at the Harri Krishna restaurant where you pay what you feel your meal was worth.  It was an enjoyable experience. After we all did the next walking tour which was about Colonies and Convicts, again anther enjoyable experience. We all needed a coffee after then we ran a few errands before making our way back to camp. Another late night sitting around discussing life and travels.

 2 of my favourties

 Lunch with a view

Scary in every sense of the word!!

Thursday James started his new work schedule.  James now works 2 days each week so help his company and bring us in some more income.  I spent the day organising, washing, cleaning and packing for late that night I was flying to Brisvegas to surprise my sister for her 30th and beautiful Scarlett's 1st birthday.  I had a nice late afternoon nap, then dinner, shower finished packing and caught up with Ann and Gary before James dropped me to the airport at 10pm. I was tired but so excited to be flying home to see everyone. After boarding and settling in I had a spare seat next to me and a nice guy on the isle I wasn't at all worried about getting a few hours sleep before landing 5 hours later at 7am EST.  It was when the seat belt light went off that I realised the row I was in the seats didn't recline. Ahhhhhh CRAP. To cut a long story short I got about 30 min of sleep all the way over.  I was tired but didn't care for the surprise was worth it.

Friday morning very early Mum got up and drove to Brisvegas airport to collect a very tired me :) We stopped for breakfast on the way north and arrived at Alli's just on 9am.  Well to say Alli nearly peed herself is an understatement.  She was so excited and so was I.  Scarlett was well reserved at first but after 20 minutes she was laughing at me. We shopped and shopped and I got LOADS of cuddles and we shopped.  By 3pm it was decided that sleep was not on the cards so I just stayed awake with the help of caffeine. It was being around family that made me truly realise that I just wanted to go and farewell Grandad at his Funeral which was being held on the next Wednesday so after a long call to Jetstar my flights were changed and new flights booked.  Crazy but true it was cheaper to book flights to and from Brisvegas to Melb then to change my flight to leave Melb.


Saturday was a cruisy day at mums getting our party mode on ready for the next day. Sunday was the party day. It  was a beautiful, fun, wonderful day that I am so appreciative that I could make it.

Monday was busy with trips to the shops to find an outfit and get necessary things sorted. A trip to the doctor, helping mum out where possible and packing to head to Melb and then back and onto Perth.

Tuesday we were up and in the car headed to pick up Rod and then Alli and Scarlett by 4.45am. We arrived at Brisvegas in time. Alli checked in and we managed to get a row together right up the front.  The flight down was easy with Scarlett sleeping most of the way. Mum, Dad, Rod and Maggie all arrived about an hour later and after sorting out the hire car we were on our way to Geelong. We were welcomed with open arms and hugs at Auntie Andrea's house.

Wednesday we hung around the house for the morning and then early afternoon we headed to town for the funeral.  It was a nice service where Mum and uncle Terry both spoke wonderfully about Grandad.  The wake afterwards was nice where I got to catch up with people who I hadn't seen for many years. Early evening all the family moved to Andrea's house where we spent the night enjoying each others company.

Thursday I was exhausted. Emotionally and physically. Scarlett had had a rough night and poor Alli was also stuffed. We just chilled out till nearly noon when we again packed up and headed for Geelong. We went out for lunch with Andrea and her 3 kids. After the next farewell we made for the airport. Our flight was slightly delayed but in the end it didn't matter as we still landed with plenty of time for me to get my next flight.  Alli and I had again been moved to a row on our own right up near the front and as Mum and Dad boarded they also were moved.  Poor Rod had to sit on his own but at least he got an exit row. Sad goodbyes were had at gate 27 and I then made my way across to gate 29 for my next flight.  We boarded on time and just when I thought we were going to close the door and get going the Captain came out and took the microphone. He informed us that we would NOT be taking this plane to Perth as it had an unserviceable issue and we would need to disembark and get on another plane about 10pm.  ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Well at least they gave us a cuppa while we waited. When I got off I noticed 2 empty rows so when getting on the next flight I asked if I could move as I really needed a window seat so I could get some sleep.  It wasn't an issue so after takeoff  I put up my feet and slept all the way west.

James was happy to see me even if it was 1.30am WA time. Friday morning we needed to head out to the park where we would be storing the van to organise our spot and paperwork. So no sleep in for us we headed out early. The rest of the day was spent trying to keep cool, swimming, organising stuff for the move and snoozing in our chairs.  We were also lucky to again catch up with Ann and Gary as they had had an incident with a sprinkler where the sprinkler had won and they used the C/P again to wash and dry all their things.

Saturday was moving day. Of course what did we get a stinking HOT HUMID day.  Yup bloody Windy Always is never humid till the day we decide to move.  We pack and sorted and pack and sorted and then packed down the trailer and headed for the storage park.  After unhooking and more sorting we were headed for Marangaroo and our new home for a few months.  Monica and Neil welcomed us and we set about unpacking and settling in. We were settled by 1pm and made our way to the shops for some groceries. We then spent the afternoon swimming and being couch potatoes trying to keep cool. Neil made us welcome Pizza's for dinner and then we all collapsed into the pool till nearly 10pm.

 Look we found another Penguin to keep Qu Pea company
 They are both from QLD also.

Its been a HUGE couple of weeks and from here I wont be posting each week but now as before it will be as we do things and explore Perth and its surrounds.  I need a few days to just catch my breath.  Oh and for those who are wondering what James did while I was away, he worked. He didn't sleep much cause it was hot and he worked some more, luckily Ann and Gary also kept him company while they were around.  It kept him busy so he was thankful to have something to do.

Its now time to really experience Perth, I'm busy applying for Jobs in all sorts of areas and planning out things to do while we are here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I"m exhausted just reading all this - it's no wonder you need a few days to recharge. Look after yourself and good luck on the job front. Looking forward to hearing all about Perth. xxx