Tuesday, January 07, 2014

A year of Triumphs, Troubles & Tremendous moments

2013 all wrapped up. 

Our year kicked off in Oxely Wild Rivers National Park camping with Rhys and Effie. There's an old saying I've heard and it says that what ever you do on January 1st will set the tone/vibe for how you will spend the rest of your year. Well for us this couldn't have been more true. Little did we know at this stage what truly lay ahead for us in 2013. 

We spent almost 4 months living with the wonderful Ron and Desley as we packed up our life in Sydney. It was tougher then I had imagined for us both to give up our normal and venture into the unknown. It was made so much easier by Ron & Desley's generous offer to have us live with them to ease into the process. We couldn't have made it through the transition with sane minds without your love and support so thank you. 

An even harder step was next. Farewelling our work. We both LOVED our jobs, with the time approaching we often questioned what are we doing. Are we crazy?? Well yes we are but hey we figured if we don't jump we will never know what's on the other side. With heavy hearts we said our farewells and promised to visit when we can. 

We had a wonderful evening farewelling our friends, then within the week the car and trailer were LOADED and we hit the road north. We spent the next 3 nights camping and catching up with family and the Hammos. 

July came around fast and we were as ready as we could have been. We said farewell to our family and set off. We had an amazing 6 weeks travelling through Qld and into the NT. Life on the road was running smoothly until our faithful Mule broke a U-bolt and the trailer self destructed on the road into Katherine. It was a write off :(

Our lives were turned upside down. Within a week of the accident we had taken all we could from our trailer loaded up poor Randy and returned 3000km to home base. Oh and we bought a Jayco Penguin.  We were physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. It took an amazing amount of courage to continue going at this point. 

Grant and Amanda aka Puppa Smurf and Mumma V were so helpful and generous when they collected our new trailer and then drove it to Coffs Harbour to meet up with us. Only 2 weeks later and 1 month after sitting on the side of the road in Katherine we hit the road, this time we travelled South. 

We shot through Qld and most of northern NSW. After a wonderful week in Sydney visiting as many people as we could we hit the south coast. We crossed into VIC early October and spent the month making our way along the coast line. We visited my extended family and Grandfather in Geelong also. A few highlights came from places we didn't expect. Firstly was the Grampians where we walked and climbed and walked some more. Then Warrnambool was a town we thoroughly enjoyed.  

We crossed into SA and Mt Gambier was our first stop. Another town we knew nothing of but enjoyed more then we had expected. We drove up,the Coorong to Murray Bridge and then down the Fleurier Peninsula. Back up to Adelaide and into the Adelaide hills and then down the Yorke Peninsula. Up to Port Augusta and then down the Eyre Peninsula. By the time we reached Ceduna we had spent the whole month of November in SA and it was time for James to work again before we crossed the Nullabore and into WA. 

We crossed the Nullabore in 2 days the first was 45 degrees and so stinking hot we just kept driving as it was cooler to do that then stop and sit in the heat. The second was 15 degrees and raining. The Nullabore was completely different to what we had expected. It was an amazing thing to do and crossing into WA gave us both a renewed desire to keep going. Christmas was fast approaching so we made our way further west. 

We are sitting in Dunsborough for Christmas and my Mum and Dad have flown over to spend a week with us. We are so grateful to have the week with them and to have Christmas Day is so special and we are very thankful. To end our amazing year we will be bringing in 2014 with Hammo, Evil, Rhys & Effie. We are so very much looking forward to seeing them all and having a fun few days catching up and exploring with them. 

It's been A HUGE YEAR. We set out with our Mule and have ended the year with a Penguin. We have been North, South, and West. We have faced challenges we thought we would and some we never could have dreamed of. It's been amazing, different, wonderful, stressful and relaxing, oh so relaxing. We have grown as a couple and discovered new parts to our relationship which has bought us closer. We have both been in good health and continue to face life, full on ready to explore, discover and enjoy it in the best way we know how.  

We wish each and everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Please turn to the ones you love and give them a squeeze from us and get one back. We send our love and best wishes for a great 2014. 

Amy & James. 

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