Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cameron Corner Day 6

Day 6 Wednesday 15th August 2012
Rest day/ Exploring
Tibooburra, Sturt National Park, Jump up loop road.
Distance traveled ?
James and I are both waking very early so I am taking full advantage and heading out with my camera in hand to capture the sunrise.  It was a very cool still morning and we stood in the field for the better part of an hour capturing the sun rising.  We saw lots of roos about also getting the sun.  Once back at camp and with a clear day on the way we made use of our washing bucket and got some laundry done.  We had a cooked breakfast and sorted out the car as after days on the go things were not so organised.  At 10am we headed out for Tibooburra to look around and then head north to start the Jump up Loop road.  We arrived at the start of the track and Matt pointed us towards the Dog fence which is also the NSW & QLD boarder.  Here we had lunch then pushed south east heading the fun way back to camp.  We stopped at many lookouts and attractions, I thought the best was the Jump Ups Look Out where the hills just appear out of no where and have very flat tops.  We crossed the main road and continued along the track pushing on into the afternoon.  It was 3.30pm when we arrived back in camp.  We spent the afternoon and evening dot sitting with champagne, nibbles and a great group of people to share it with.

 Sunrise over Mt Wood Camping Area

 Beanie heads keeping warm.

 Sun is up, back to camp we go for coffee.
 I see a Rhys going shooting :)
 Main street of Tibooburra

 Strong kid Lochie.
 James touching QLD soil at the Dog Fence.

 The line in the sand.  QLD to the left NSW to the right.

 The Jump Ups.

 Mumma Emu who growled at me.  I never knew they growled.
 Babies on the run.

 Rolling along.

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