Saturday, October 09, 2010

Zukana 2010

So Zukana 2010 for me started on the Wednesday before the long weekend. I was fortunate enough to be able to take the kids from work and join part of the Vella family and head to Milbrodale earlier then everyone else. We arrived and found the paddock in great form with plenty of grass and picked our camping spot. The rest of the afternoon was spent setting up camp while the 7 kids played with sporting equipment and assisted when needed. It rained from about 5pm till 10pm that day but nothing to bother us we were just hoping that was the end of it.

Thursday found a wonderfully clear day and sun cream had to be applied and re-applied several times so that none of us got burnt. We set out all the signs so that the coming crowds could find us and the kids continued to just play and enjoy being outdoors and free to run. The property owner visited us and we bought some fresh produce and he assured us that there was to be no more rain. We set up a fire that night and everyone enjoyed roasting marsh mellows and keeping warm.

Friday was another beautiful day and we all just hung out for the morning. Unfortunately the kids had to head home so right on 12noon I packed everything necessary into the car and down the putty we headed. I dropped off 4 very happy exhausted kids to their parents did a quick shop for the rest of the weekend picked up necessary items and then headed back up the putty. I had passed several cars heading to site on my way to Richmond so knew to expect a few campers but nothing could have prepared me for the actual amount of people who were already at camp. It was great to see so many people already there and the vibe was wonderful. As the night progressed camp grew steadily and the most unexpected arrival was Stefan in AYL’s zook. Of course he was the only car to get lost on the track in and took a detour via 2 extra paddocks but hey he made it and in usual Stefan style.

Saturday morning there were plenty of kids awake early and many parents saying they couldn’t wait for day light savings to start. Again the vibe around camp was very positive. Leah and I set up to take payment and register each camper and competitor and with very little trouble everyone was ready to start their weekend. The morning started out quiet hot though it was not to last long. The events got rolling with 3 being run at the same time. Just after lunch the rain started and the afternoons 3 events were not as popular as people choose to just sit and keep out of the rain rather then be out in the paddock. Unfortunately the rain didn’t ease and though there was a raging fire many choose to sit at their camp and socialise.

Sunday morning again it was not raining but it was overcast and windy. James had his event planned and he was off early getting it ready. Together we ran a very confusing fun event and everyone who wanted to had completed it by lunch so it was packed up and we were done for the day. Hammo’s event which was now run by the Z’s was also being run and everyone seemed to enjoy something different. Sunday afternoon the Hill run was set up by Pagie and run well. It was a very driveable Hill climb which made it entertaining to drive and watch. About 4.30pm the rain again started and really set in for the night. Amanda Vella got her cob going as a heater and we sat around camp keeping warm but coals. The presentations were postponed to the morning to hopefully be able to run them when everyone could keep dry. Camp was quiet by 2am with our camp being the last awake, the rain sure did dampen a few spirits by this stage.

Monday morning and the rain had stopped and it was windy so the campers and tents started to dry out. Presentations went ahead though it was threatening to rain fortunately it held off. We then got very busy and set about packing up. Just as the rain again started around 11am we were putting the cover on the camper and managed to have it all away dry. By 12.30 we were fully packed and with the rain not looking like easing we said our farewells and headed home.

We had a great time at Zukana and cant wait for the next one.
Us2martins off to Zukana 2010.

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