Wednesday, September 03, 2014

A month by month rough map of where we've been.

We wanted another way to look back at where we have been. We have done a Google map for each month we have been away and have traveled.  Here's one for all of us who are visual people and like quick references.  We will add to this post as we continue.

1st Month out :)
woooo hoooooo

 2nd Month head home :(
3rd Month On the road again :)
 4th Month Settling in nicely.
Loving the freedom.

5th Month Exploring further then ever before.
If only the flies would bugger off.
6th to 11th Months Explore WA
Finally enter the only state we hadn't been to.
12 Months, well who'd a thunk it hey......
Yay back on the road.
13th Month, One of our favourite months.

14th Month Gawd can this area get any better?
Spoiled lots for whats on offer.

More to COME!!!!!

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