Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Hamlin Station, Carnarvon & Warroora station. A big week.

 We had been told that the best place to stay before Denham was Hamlin station. It's is also easy access to Steep point so we pack and hit the road. We were not at all disappointed in this recommendation. We pulled in and were greeted by very friendly and welcoming hosts. The facilities were some of the best we have come across for a station stay. We picked our spot and set camp. The afternoon was spent washing and organising what to do in the coming days. Rhonda the camp host had mentioned there was a lady desperately looking for a lift out to steep point. While we would have loved to camp out there it wasn't essential and we decided on doing it just in a day instead. Maureen came and met us and we hit it off. She was super excited that we had a spare seat and were happy to take her along. The plan was set for the next day. We joined other campers for happy hour where Rhonda had made fresh pikelets with jam and cream (yum). We cooked in the camp kitchen then sat in the dining room with the fire place to keep warm talking to other travellers late into the night. 

Out to Steep point. The day had come we were about to check off the last point on the map for the 4 corners and the center of Australia. We were packed and on the road with Maureen by 8am. Maureen was a desperate as us to get out to Steep point. She had been looking forward to it for ages but was held back from going out alone as she has a Suzuki Grand Vitara and had been told it didn't have enough clearance to make it over the biggest sand hill. So she was willing to wait at Hamilin  station till she could get a lift with someone. The tour companies from Denham were asking ridiculous amounts of money to take her out. We were going and easily had a spare seat so she jumped in. It made our trip a little more special to be helping someone else's dream also come true. It's about 200km from camp out to the westerly most point then 200km back. The only "challenging" part was the sand hills that stood about 130km into the trip. If you climbed those then you only had a further 50km of slow going sand driving ahead of you. Though those last 50km were the most stunning for views and scenery. We powered on, airing down firstly just to make the corrugations more comfortable then secondly to tackle the sand hills. We didn't have any issues with the sand hills but could see why they could pose an issue for those unprepared or inexperienced. We pulled into the ranges station and logged in then set out to find the sign. After taking a wrong turn which turned out to be a brilliant spot to enjoy the coastal cliffs we arrived at the Westerly Most Point of Australia.

 We had the whole place to ourselves we couldn't believe our luck. We took so many photos of the sign and with the sign and with each other. We then signed the visitors book and made lunch. Just as we sat to enjoy the view whales passed right out in front of us. It made the day so much more special. We had a cuppa then packed up after being there for over an hour to head back. The trip out was again easy with just the hills needing concentration and a bit of right boot laid into them. We arrived back at camp right on 5pm. It had been a long day but ABSOLUTELY 100% worth every corrugation and worry and anticipation. It was better then we could have ever imagined. Something we hadn't expected was the stunning clear aqua water which we drove along side for many part of the trip. The views were million dollar worthy. We gathered our things for dinner and happy hour and again joined the campers. This time we retired earlier after a long day in the car an early night was needed.  

Exploring shark bay. We decided that since Denham and Monkey Mia are at the tip of a one way road we would leave camp set up and see both areas & Francio`s Peron National park as a big day trip. We set out early with our first stop being at the Denham lookout. After a photo we cruised into town to fuel up & explore. We then drove out to Monkey Mia. We were not fazed about feeding the dolphins and other then the beach resort there's nothing there. We had a quick look a the beach and pushed out to Francoi`s Peron. We aired down the tyres and easily drove the sandy tracks out to Big Lagoon. Th wind was howling through so we didn't stay long & opted to drive back into Denham for lunch. We found a fantastic shelter on the sand where we had the car behind us to block some wind. After a relaxed picnic lunch & doing a bunch of booking in for the coming weeks we packed up & headed out of town. The aquarium not far from town advertised a cafe so we thought why not. It's a windy cool day & we've seen all we wanted let's see what their cafe has to offer. We were not at all disappointed. We had views directly onto the water & back towards Denham. The coffee was gooooooood the atmosphere was warm & the couch was comfortable. From here we visited a few camp spots on the way back then the Stromolotalites which is an ocean microbial life system. Back at camp we chatted to fellow campers & joined happy hour. Just as we got our dinner things ready to cook in the camp kitchen the heavens opened & for about 20min it poured. We again enjoyed the warm dining room & great company of other travellers & the camp hosts. 

Hamlin station day at camp. We decided to spend a day just doing things at camp and not drive anywhere. We had a relaxed morning with a walk to the lake on the property.

We then pulled the bikes off the back of the van and rode out to the Stromolotalites, we could see dark clouds approaching so we closed up the trailer but thought we would make it out to the shelter before it hit.

We were wrong. We rode for about 2-3km in the rain. Atleast we were cool. After slightly drying off chatting to other people who were also trapped under the shelter the rain eased after about 30 minutes. We did the walk around looking at the mushroom rocks and took some better photos. We made it back to camp before the next rain front hit. We had lunch in the dining room and then played a few rounds of cards. With the rain clearing out we did lots of odd jobs on the trailer including getting rid of another ants nest we found. We hooked the bikes back on I made temporary light fittings for the front running lights as we lost both covers just after leaving Perth. James tinkered with some wiring of the new solar panel and we kept busy all afternoon. Tonight at camp the hosts put on dinner for $8 a head. We had Chicken soup and a sausage sizzle then watched the Origin game with many supporters for both teams. It was a fun night for all. 

The day came and we farewelled Hamlin and the wonderful managers Rhonda and Ian. We pulled out early and headed for Carnarvon. We picked the Top tourist park to be home for the next 2 nights.  We made camp and then had a relaxing afternoon only going out to drive around town to see what was there. 2 couples we had met also chose the same park we dropped past their camps to say hi to Marie & Trevor and Janet and Gary. 

First on the list of places to see was the OTC or Overseas Tele Communication visitor centre. The big Satellite dish stands above town and was part of the communication broadcast when man fist set foot on the moon. We enjoyed visiting the OTC and finding out Carnarvon's place in history.

We then went out to the Shearers & Jetty museum &  1 mile jetty to walk and see what was at the other end. The museum is well set out and informative and the walk out to the end of the jetty and back was exactly 3km and enjoyable. While out at the end we talked to people who were fishing. They were bringing in plenty of fish so we decided to try our luck. After lunch back at camp we set up our rod and reel and headed back to the jetty. We met Janet and Gary out fishing and they gave us 2 fish as they had heaps. We then caught fish constantly for the next hour. Plenty went back as they were just undersized but we came home with 10 and gave away 4. After cleaning and filleting the fish we had a very yummy fish curry. 

We woke early to get the pack up process happening. We wanted to go to the town markets to buy fresh produce and then to Woolies to get everything else we needed to last us the next 2 weeks. The markets were small but fantastic. We bought $30 worth of produce and came away with heaps of vegetable and fruit. After a Woolies shop back to camp we did 2 loads of washing, filled the LPG bottles, filled with water in the tanks packed away the food and then the trailer and set off by 10.30. We wanted to camp at Point Quobba but it was full :( we stopped and watched the most impressive blow holes we've ever seen and then pushed north.

We had 2 other options to camp one was at Warroora station which was right on the coast but we were concerned it also would be full and lastly a station further north. We called Warroora and the lady said they always have room. We may not get on the beach but they would have a spot so we took our chances and turned in. After taking the long dirt road in we arrived at a sign to air down. Well here goes nothing we thought. We've never towed Qu Pea on sand. We dropped all tyres to 20 and pushed on. Just over the first dune the care taker has their set up. Initially no one was around and we were about to just drive and find a spot on the ridge when Ann appeared. She asked where would we like to camp and we replied about 3 meters behind us on the waters edge and she said well I've got 1 beach spot left. Woooooooooo hooooooooooooo I could have hugged her I was so happy. We paid our fees and drove along to set up. We had spot G which of course was then forever called our G spot. Our spot sure was beach front with less then 10 meters to the waters edge. Our view is of the the Ningaloo reef. After set up we were just in time for happy hour. We took our chairs and joined some of our fellow campers to watch the sun go down which didn't happen as it was too cloudy to see the sun.

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