Thursday, December 12, 2013

Nulla Bore...

Today is going to have its own post. It's long enough and what we did is deserving of it. Enjoy. 

Sunday we woke and it was cool and overcast. I'm starting to think that maybe we shouldn't go swimming for each time we do, well I do the next day it rains. Anyways back to Sunday. We had set our clocks and hopefully body clocks to WA time as we were only about 20mtrs from the border. So when we woke at 6am and most the people in camp were gone we had a little laugh. Firstly we are rarely awake at 6am and secondly all those people who were on SA time would have crossed the border at some ungodly hour as their clocks turned back. We ate the last of our fruit and packed up in drizzly rain. With the camera handy we pulled out of the park and into the quarantine station. James said it felt like we were entering another country it's so official. They did a quick check of the car, trailer, the fridges and said we could move on. Pulling out we stopped for more photos on the border and then set off west. Tonight's camp well again we would just drive till we wanted to stop. I had marked all the suitable stops in wiki camps so it was just a matter of when we've had enough find one. With the cooler day Randy drove like a dream, James wants me to believe Randy likes the cooler weather so  we need to live in a colder climate. Pfft what do boys know, lol. We fuelled up in Eucla then pushed west. The scenery on this stretch of the Nullabore is much nicer and a tad more interesting. Again all day we stopped when we needed to stretch or take photos at signs points of interest and lookouts. We ate lunch along Australia's longest  piece of straight road and from there decided on tonight's camp. If we pushed along just a few more hundred kms we could still be in camp by 4pm and be only 80kms from Norseman. The wind today was so much nicer to us. We had a nice gentle S/E blowing us along the whole way. It wasn't till later in the afternoon that we finally saw some live wildlife. We saw a family of Emu's and then 2 kangaroos. We had seen heaps of birds and in particular 5 pairs of Wedge tail eagles. Well we think that's what they were, they were large enough and interestingly always in pairs sitting atop a dead tree about 100mtrs off the road on the left side. We easily found camp and got a nice little spot behind some trees out of the way and back from the road. After set up we went for a long walk out onto the dry salt lake. Our shoes got covered in clay but we didn't care as long as we were walking and stretching the tired muscles from sitting so long. Our body clocks are out and being in the car for long hours isn't helping. Hopefully tomorrow will see us adjust and feeling more energetic. We think we are now Three hours behind NSW and Two hours behind QLD?? Yet to be confirmed. Crossing the Nullabore isn't the most interesting drive but yet it's also spectacular. Something we've always said we would do and we finally got to do it.

 I wouldnt stop and buy him a coffee so he pulled this face for ages!!

Today bought many emotions, checking things off our bucket list is huge. Entering WA was something we thought we would have done months ago so doing it today was a relief and also a celebration. Back in Sydney today it was Emma's ballet concert which in the past 8 years I've only missed 1. It also is my Grandfathers 80th birthday, which had we not been travelling we would have celebrated it with him. We saw him back in October, he has travelled (towing a caravan) to many places throughout Australia but never made it to WA, I've promised him lots of photos and stories. Perhaps it was a coincidence that on his birthday we crossed into WA perhaps it's fate???

Something interesting that we discussed today. Since leaving Sydney in May every time we have crossed a border into another state it has rained either on us at that exact moment or within 24hrs of us being in the new state. The only exception to this rule is when we crossed into the NT. 

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