Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The trip north, farewell Sydney

The day has come we wake with a very excited, daunting and almost nervous feel to both of us. It's Friday the 10th of May. The date we have been talking about for so many months has finally arrived. We run through a fairly normal morning routine even sitting for coffee with Desley.

Then the packing begins. We pack and shuffle and pack and shuffle and well you get it. The bikes go on the roof. All doors and windows are closed we are FULL. It's now 10.15am and we are sitting in the car ready to pull out. Around to the fuel station we go. Then out of Sydney. James is driving and though a little slower its a very relaxed drive out of town. My mind is full of memories and as we pass roads and icons they flood back. 

I'm surprised at how clam, relaxed and at ease we feel. We head north and don't stop till Tamworth. It's a quick fuel up and grab a sandwich then push onto camp. We know at this point we will pull into camp in the dark we just don't want it to be too late. 

We arrive at Guyra and find Mother of Ducks Lagoon relatively easily. It's cold and dark. We don't unhitch we just set up the trailer tent. We heat soup and have bread and soup for dinner and then climb into bed by 7.45pm. We were pulling out the next morning and with it being cold there was no need to get out chairs etc. We laid in bed playing games on our tablets and iPads but it was too cold to have our hands out so by 8pm we snuggled in and had a peaceful nights sleep. 

We woke early and were packed and back on the road by 8am. Today we were going to make it to Kenilworth and get to camp before dark. We had booked our spot at Booloumba creek camping area 4 and the Hammo's were meeting us there. Allison and Neil were also bring Scarlett out and staying with us for the night. 

As we headed further north the weather turned and we drove through several hundred km's of rain. Yuk not what we had wanted to start out trip out on. We arrived at camp at 4.15pm and found the Hammo's and the Bunney's waiting for us. They had held our spot as the area was packed. Mum and Dad followed in shortly after, it was so nice to see everyone. 

We picked our spot and in unhitching and turning the trailer in the soft ground the jockey wheel snapped straight off. Crash went the trailer :(. Luckily Neil had his chain saw. He found a neighbour with a log and cut us a piece to use as a stand. We managed to get the height set and tent up before dark. With the rain persisting we set up the awning. The boys got a fire going and dinner was cooked and enjoyed. Not long after dark the rain stopped. As I sat cuddling Scarlett till she fell asleep, around her first camp fire I really relaxed and let the road stress pass. 

Sunday morning Mother's Day we had a relaxing start. Mum, Dad, Rod and his kids, Daniel and Ria and their kids were all coming out to spend Mother's Day together. Neil's Mum and Dad also joined us. The Picnic area at the creek is nicer then the camping area we were at so we set up there for a few hours. We had a relaxing day with family enjoying the company and the area. Mid afternoon they all set off home and we returned to camp. We had the fire going early so we could roast. Mmmmmmmm roast pork in the camp oven. Almost all other campers had left so we had a quiet night with the Hammo's enjoying our respective roasts. 

Monday morning we had a slow pack up letting everything dry. I went for a swim with Hammo while Di had a wash in the shallower water. The water was so clear and fresh. Yes cold but not Bendethra cold. We visited my sister in law and nephew on our way to mums. We arrived mid afternoon and the unpacking started. 

Hitting the road north was enjoyable and getting straight into camping really set in motion what's to come. We are settling on the Sunshine Coast for a few weeks with work commitments. We are now itching to get going again. 

Our next big destination is Birdsville then onto Mt Isa. Lots of exciting times ahead. 

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