Thursday, February 06, 2014

Exploring Perth - 1 - Joondalup and Hillarys

Monday being a public holiday we were keen to start our adventure of exploring Perth.  We headed north for a picnic lunch at Joondalup with Ann & Gary.  We were fortunate there was a coffee van at the lake and we started our picnic with coffee's by the lake.  We then had a relaxed BBQ lunch using the facilities available.  After a lazy long lunch we headed down to the beach for a look.  It was blowing a gale and wasnt any good for walking so G&A suggested we head to Hillarys for a walk.  They had been there previous and enjoyed their time there.  We were amazed at the wonderful holiday feeling to the area, we even saw some real life mermaids.  We strolled through the shops and around to the breakwater wall.  The waves were crashing and then spraying over the wall but we risked it (us daredevils) and walked out as far as we could.  Back in the harbour we had a coffee and with the evening approaching we said farewell and headed for home. 

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