Sunday, December 15, 2013

Yay WA,

Monday morning again we woke at 6am. We were packed and on the road by 7.30am. We pulled into Norseman just before 9am and very little was open, even the information centre was still closed. That decided our next move. We had thought of stopping at Peak Charles national park but we needed a parks pass and if we couldn't get one in Norseman the next place was Esperence. We pulled into Esperance and payed for our pass. $88 for 12 months entry only. Most of the WA parks have entry and camping fees. We then found woollies and did a stock up and headed for Cape Le Grand National Park. We were undecided if we were going to visit this park but we had been told if we did then Lucky Bay was the place to stay. We arrived and found a wonderful little corner spot with our name on it. We could just see the water through the trees and the sound of the waves gently crashing on the shore was relaxing. After set up and a look around we strolled a down and then along the whitest beach we had ever set foot on. We are surprised that Hymes beach NSW has this award cause the sand here puts it to shame. Words cannot do this beach justice so you will have to see the pictures to understand just how beautiful this place is. For the rest of the afternoon and evening we chatted with neighbours and relaxed before enjoying a roast cooked on the trusty BBQ. 

Tuesday morning and it felt late but it was just before 6am!!! The days are very long when you up so early each day. With the good weather we decided to climb Frenchmans Peak the highest summit in the park. We set off just before 8am and were the first on the mountain for the day. It was steep. Probably the steepest most exposed climb we have done. One marker at a time we progressed/climbed/crawled to the top. The climb was worth it. The view spectacular.  We both called our mums, took photos and let the heart rates rest at the top. The thought of going down was actually harder then doing it. We stopped at the big cave on the way down and passed 6 couples all making their way up. We were thrilled with the adrenalin pumping we had made it up and back in under 2 hours which is what the signs say to allow. From here we visited the other camping area, Hellfire beach, Thistle Cove which has an amazing whistling rock and then back to camp. It was still only 11am!!! Time to have a cuppa and put the feet up for the afternoon :) A crazy German couple had camped one site over last the night and we had been chatting with them. We met them as we got to the bottom of the mountain and they were going to climb it. They had decided to stay another day at camp also. In the afternoon we chatted with them on and off. At dinner time they came and joined us at the picnic table where we sat chatting with them into the late night. We were told we had to go to bed by the camp host :( those crazy Germans were so much fun.

Ummmmm what day is it?? The hardest decision we need to make today is to stay another few nights or pack up tomorrow and leave. It's to early to make that call so we will just relax into the day and see what happens. I experimented with a recipe Milly the camp host had told me about and made damper drops for breakfast for us and our Crazy Germans (Maria & Michael). After we farewelled M&M we joined another set of neighbours in the upper section of camp for our breakfast & coffee over looking the bay. It was overcast but warm and the clouds were clearing to what feels like it's going to be a hot day.  We decided a walk was what to do so we lathered up in loads of sun cream and our big hats and set off to walk to Thistle Cove. The walk said an hour each way. We got over and back in under 1 hour and 40 minutes and we stopped for morning tea and used the internet while we had service on top of one of the hills we climbed. There was a nice cool breeze blowing which kept us at a nice temperature to walk. We played cards for he afternoon and chatted to neighbours. Mike our next plot neighbour asked James for help in cutting down the legs off his trailer. James was very happy to help so they went away from camp with the generator the angle grinder and the legs. We had a nice night just enjoying the happy atmosphere. 

Whistling Rock.

We made the decision that we moved today or not at all. Where we were was full and our biggest concern was that other places closer to Perth would also be full or by this weekend they would certainly be. With Lady Luck on our side we packed camp and after helping another couple back their big van into our spot we farewelled our new friends and neighbours and hit the road. It was a long day. We ran into Eve and Don who we had met in Ceduna and again at Broderville. They had been staying in Esperance and were on their way to Albany. We easily found the camping area we wanted to stay and to our luck there was space. We paid and found a nice spot in a corner with some shade, some sun and nice neighbours. We did over 500kms today and it took us over 7 hours. We had missed lunch and just snacked on fruit and by the time we set camp we were shattered. We are now about 80kms West of Albany and will call this place home probably till about the 21st or 22nd. 

Just cause we are crazy on Friday morning we climbed back in the car and drove back to Albany. I needed to do some birthday and Xmas shopping. We had been without a "big" town for ages and if I was to get gifts and have a fun season I needed to shop. We set out early. Luckily for us Albany has enough big department stores and variety stores within walking distance that the shopping was over with fairly easily. We had lunch stocked up on groceries had a poke through town and then took the tourist drive back to camp. The afternoon and evening we strolled along the beach and enjoyed a fire with our neighbours.

Saturday a day of rest. We tinkered about camp wrapped gifts and generally chilled out. We were admiring one of our neighbours shade cloth walls on their awning. Helen mentioned she makes them and for a good price. She came over and we talked details. When she left we had another new shopping list. 

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