Friday, November 15, 2013

Peninsular to the City through the hills we go,

Sunday we woke to yep you guessed it more rain. It had rained on and off all night and into the morning. We collected a park map to see what walks were around but decided with the unpredictable weather we would explore by car today. We packed a picnic lunch and set out to do a loop around the bottom of the Fleurieu Peninsula.  We first went looking at 2 of the other camping areas and lookouts in the park then drove down to Cape Jervis which is where the ferry leaves from to go to Kangaroo Island. This trip we have decided that going to Kangaroo Island is a bit expensive. It would cost us about $700 return to go over and with not a lot of time to spare we have opted to do it another time when we can go over and enjoy it more. We then doubled back a short way but then went left up the peninsula. We went into Rapid Bay which is one of the most beautiful sea side towns we have come across. It's the little town that time forgot. Where the mountains meet the sea. Nestled into the valley this town has no new buildings, no flash pubs or shops, mainly beautiful houses and a fantastic camping area right on the water. It's only $7 a night to stay also. If this town wasn't so far from Qld we would call it home it really took us by surprise. We drove onto Normanville where we stopped and enjoyed our picnic lunch looking over the ocean. There were about 11 sail boats all setting up so we hung around and watched them as they entered the water and then. Began racing around the set out markers. From here we took a short cut across land stopping at Condalilla falls on the way. Back into the park we drove out to Tapanappa camping area and lookout. The views from here were just beautiful so out came the camera and tripod for a photo shoot. Back at camp most people had left but a few had remained and new ones come in. We sat out enjoying the sun as long as it lasted. 

 Kangaroo Island
 Cape Jervis

Condalilla Falls
 Rapid Bay
Monday we woke and woo hoo no rain, non over night either. Time to go walking. We did 2 walks which totalled 7km. James even got to take Zumi on the second walk. The wind was blowing which kept us very cool. When we were at camp we sat out in the sun enjoying the warm. This park is a must do if your in the area, even if you can't stay around drive through it see the beautiful scenery and admire the remoteness of it. We felt a world away but Adelaide is within 100km of here. What I particularly loved was the Xantheria plants thriving. When I was younger they were everywhere around home with their amazing tall stalks. I've not seen a better representation of them for years. This park certainly wasn't what I was expecting its sooo much better. 

 Kangaroo Island

Tuesday came around very quickly and we were again on the move. We first headed for Yankalilla to pick up some groceries then onto camp. We have found a Forestry camp closer to Adelaide so it will be our base for a few nights while we explore. We came across a road block and had to divert but were at camp by 1pm. Enjoyed lunch in the warm sun and a relaxing afternoon researching things to do tomorrow in Adelaide. 

A day in Adelaide.  Wow what a beautiful city it is. We had a fantastic day exploring the city for free. Our first stop was to the Stone Stomper repair place. We needed to get 2 patches sewn on where our front feet were rubbing on the netting. Then we made our way into the city. We found a parking spot and took a walk through the main shopping mall to find the information centre. We found out about where to free park and about the free buses and attractions around the city. Armed with this we drove to the cities northern suburbs and caught the free bus back into town. We needed to fix James's glasses first then we wen to the SA museum for a wander. It's one of he best free museums I've visited with a nice layout and interesting displays. We had a picnic lunch on the benches outside in the shade then caught a different free bus which loops the city. After this we headed back for the car on the free bus. We then found a woollies to do the weekly stock up. Back to camp and we cooked up a yummy split chook on the BBQ. It was late when we returned home but we both agreed how Adelaide really is a beautiful city and we would both visit again. 

Thursday we pushed on through the Adelaide hills. Since we were out of town a little we went exploring. The most stunning town we went through was Handorf. It's tree lined streets, boutique shops, cafés and community feel made you want to stop and let the world pass you by. The Adelaide hills have so many cheese factories, chocolate factories and countless wineries that if you allowed yourself it would be a truly indulgent place to visit.  We resisted the urge and made our way to camp at Mt Crawford. Another forestry camp we set up surrounded by huge pine trees. James did some work that was needed while I blogged and did some planning for the coming days. Sunny warmer weather is sticking around and we are relishing in it.

Friday we looked at the weather and with warm weather predicted for the weekend we packed camp and made our way back to the coast. There was a free camp at Port Parham which had good reviews so we made our way across towards it. We first made a stop in Gawler to do washing, top up our water tanks, get fuel and pick up a new gas bottle. We had one empty bottle and had been running off one we didn't know how much was in it to start with for a few weeks. Luckily we did because after arriving at camp and getting things going the gas ran out!!! Intuition at its best. We found camp easy enough and it will be fine for a 2 night rest stop. We went to see the beach...well the tide was out and we could barley see the water. Not the sort of beaches we are used to. We made a long clothes line between the car and trailer and hung out washing. Had a late lunch and caught up with the Hammos. The only down side to this camp is the flies. They were so bad we had to be inside :( While it was nice we even washed the inside of the trailers windows cause that's just what you do on a warm Friday afternoon when the flies trap you in your trailer ;) 

Saturday rolled around and was warm, sunny and very windy again. We tinkered in the trailer, James fitted a 12v socket inside. We both had haircuts and generally just pottered about. It was a nice day to relax catch up on chores and do very little.

 Was so windy James lost his hat into the bushes.
 The tide goes OUT a long long way.

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