Sunday, September 15, 2013

Encore Visiting

We had returned to NSW almost exactly 4 months after leaving with a new trailer and very different plans to when we left.  We had decided to unhook and leave Qu Pea out the front of the Steele's house as it was easy to access and there was plenty of room.  After unhooking and leaving behind a few things we wouldn't need for the week we enjoyed lunch a Dee Why with Leah.  We then set off to spend the night with Chris and Linda.  Now this is going to be a VERY long post if I type about all the things we did so I will apologise now to anyone who wanted to have a star feature in this blog but Im going to put in a very shortened version of our week.  We stayed with Chis and Linda, the Palmers, the Vellas, we had lunch with Julie then dinner with the Robsons, stayed in a hotel in the city, then Rhys and Effies's, the Steeles then back to Rhys and Effies.  We had lots of late nights, early mornings and talked and talked and talked.  Sunday we had a picnic at Parramatta Lake where we got to see the Pryors, the McLaren's, the Vella's the Hiltons, Rhys and Effie and Connie.  

I have to make a short side note here to mention that the Robson's gave me a very unexpected surprise birthday present.  Belinda was very unsure as to whether it was going to be a great or not so great gift but on opening it I don't think she could have purchased a better present.  She bought me a Nespresso machine and 150 pods to enjoy.  So much thought had gone into the gift that I just couldn't verbalise how grateful I truly was and still am.  To all my beautiful Robson's THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart it will be used an loved and just incase you were wondering I found the perfect spot for it to live it fits in like it was made for the spot.
Our FIRST of many...

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