Friday, August 09, 2013

Into the Northern Territory we head.

  Sunday morning we woke as almost all of the other visitors chugged out of camp. We pottered around town for the morning, seeing the pub and the jewellery shop then heading out to the World War 11 Aerodrome.  The information was very interesting to read.  It gave us a good history of how Daly Waters came to be and how it survived throughout all the years. We tinkered with the car and did some washing.  It was nice to do washing being that in the last month I've only had a machine twice (I've been doing lots of hand washing). I got to Face Time with my favourite Robson's then Skype with Mum, Dad, Alli, Neil, Scarlett and Maggie also.  All in all a nice way to spend a lazy sunday.

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday very much looked the same. I did a load of washing, hung it out, watched it dry, pulled it in, folded it, watched the grass grow, did loads of blogging and catching up with friends & family then had happy hour :) One interesting note was we met the caretakers who lived in Peregian for 10 years from 93-03 and they knew me & my family. We also met a couple who know my doppelgänger.  Sure is a small world.

Thursday, Yay James is finished work for the month and we fare welled Daly Waters and our new friends. We set off for Esley Gorge. We pulled into camp by 11am found a shady spot and made camp. After lunch we then went and looked around Mataranka and visited Bitter Springs then back to Mataraka camping area to swim in the spring. We soak and soaked till we were super wrinkly. Back at camp we decided to do the 9km return walk to the Mataranka falls. We set off at 4pm and well I will just say if your ever in Elsey Gorge don't bother. The falls were about 2 meters high. NOT WORTH THE HARD WALK!!!! We were shattered when we arrived back but we showered then James got a good fire going and I cooked yummy fish on the BBQ. We enjoyed the fire after not having one for many nights. 

Friday we set off for Katherine and then out to Nitmiluk National Park (Katherine Gorge). We first found the info centre in Katherine after picking up plenty of useful pamphlets we inquired about getting water. Our tanks were low and we had been topping up off bore water and it tasted disgusting  I also found it didn't quench my thirst properly. When we were told they had town water and it was $2 for 5 min we jumped at the chance. We dropped all our water and filled everything we could. Then I noticed the trailer tank leaking. Ahhh crap. A rock had split a elbow piece. After lots of cursing from James he got the piece out. Of course it was a piece Rhys had glued for us so it wouldnt leak or move. I ducked into the shops to pick up some basics. On a side note Wollies in the NT no longer supply shopping bags. I was glad I had only a dozen things and purchased just 1 bag. We then went to the hardware and luckily they had plenty of supplies James refitted the new piece and we were off. Out at the park we found a spot set up and then had lunch by the pool. After deciding it was way to hot to walk we moved the UHF aerial to the bull bar as the bracket on the top part is fractured and we didn't want it to fall off. We then swam & sat by the pool for the rest of the afternoon and into the night. It was very much like a resort pool and after 6pm we had live entertainment. We enjoyed dinner and drinks listening to tunes into the night. 

Photos to come, I'm blogging on my iPad while sitting enjoying the music and atmosphere. 

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