Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Not the week we thought it would be...

Saturday we were up at 6am and packed up then off walking by 7am. We wanted to do the loop walk at Nitmaluk (Katherine Gorge) but any other time of day it would be too hot. After enjoying the 5km loop we picked up a coffee & had breakfast by the pool. We set off from Nitmiluk just before 10am. 15km down the road and 1 pot hole later our path was about to change. We were on the side of the road calling RACQ for a tow. The underneath of the trailer didn't look very straight anymore :( We got some clothes and other essentials out then RACQ found us some accommodation. I just want to add a note here that taking out the top level cover has paid off enormously and we owe so much to RACQ for their assistance. We lodged a claim with CIL and then waited. 

Sunday we looked around town & visited the Hot Spring. We picked up basic groceries and discovered our fridge had decided to pack it in. (ah crap another thing to fix). 

Monday we met the mechanic and finalised the claim and then had to wait. The quote was not good but we were hopeful. We arranged new tyres for the car as we needed them anyway and might as well kill time here verses anywhere else. We also dropped off the fridge. 

Tuesday was supposed to be a quiet day just waiting and getting the tyres fitted. We got the call from CIL about 9.30am they decided the quote was too expensive so the trailer is a write off. Ahhhhhhhhhh crap. Well at least they got the call over and done with early and we were not in limbo for days. So we made calls and started to research all of our options. The tyres didn't come in & at first it seemed like it was going to be a $500 bill on the fridge but after a few more hours work it seems at this stage it might be far less. Wooooo hooooo finally some good news. 

Wednesday we started to unpack our trailer and get our things back to our accommodation. We needed to see what would and wouldn't fit in or on the car to get it home. After 2 trips we had virtually everything we wanted. We had the new tyres fitted to Randy then started the tetris packing. After first packing the roof then the tub then the back seat woo hoo it all almost fit. It was FULL. We had to leave behind just a few items but nothing of great value. 

Thursday we took one last trip back to the trailer and picked out the last little bits and said farewell :( the rest of the day we just chilled out we were exhausted emotionally & physically. 

Friday we were up early and off to get a wheel alignment before hitting the road. We were done and on the road by 9am. We had a good but long days drive. We drove approx 1300km in 13.5hrs. We pulled into Mt Isa and it was so good to see Ben and Bonnie. 

Saturday and Sunday we were up and on the road by about 8am. Saturday night we stayed in Emerald having done 1100kms in 11hrs then Sunday into home driving 800kms in 9 hrs. We were shattered. Mum had cooked us a yummy roast dinner. Alli, Neil and Scarlett were over to see us. It was sooooo good to be home. 

Friday, August 09, 2013

Into the Northern Territory we head.

  Sunday morning we woke as almost all of the other visitors chugged out of camp. We pottered around town for the morning, seeing the pub and the jewellery shop then heading out to the World War 11 Aerodrome.  The information was very interesting to read.  It gave us a good history of how Daly Waters came to be and how it survived throughout all the years. We tinkered with the car and did some washing.  It was nice to do washing being that in the last month I've only had a machine twice (I've been doing lots of hand washing). I got to Face Time with my favourite Robson's then Skype with Mum, Dad, Alli, Neil, Scarlett and Maggie also.  All in all a nice way to spend a lazy sunday.

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday very much looked the same. I did a load of washing, hung it out, watched it dry, pulled it in, folded it, watched the grass grow, did loads of blogging and catching up with friends & family then had happy hour :) One interesting note was we met the caretakers who lived in Peregian for 10 years from 93-03 and they knew me & my family. We also met a couple who know my doppelgänger.  Sure is a small world.

Thursday, Yay James is finished work for the month and we fare welled Daly Waters and our new friends. We set off for Esley Gorge. We pulled into camp by 11am found a shady spot and made camp. After lunch we then went and looked around Mataranka and visited Bitter Springs then back to Mataraka camping area to swim in the spring. We soak and soaked till we were super wrinkly. Back at camp we decided to do the 9km return walk to the Mataranka falls. We set off at 4pm and well I will just say if your ever in Elsey Gorge don't bother. The falls were about 2 meters high. NOT WORTH THE HARD WALK!!!! We were shattered when we arrived back but we showered then James got a good fire going and I cooked yummy fish on the BBQ. We enjoyed the fire after not having one for many nights. 

Friday we set off for Katherine and then out to Nitmiluk National Park (Katherine Gorge). We first found the info centre in Katherine after picking up plenty of useful pamphlets we inquired about getting water. Our tanks were low and we had been topping up off bore water and it tasted disgusting  I also found it didn't quench my thirst properly. When we were told they had town water and it was $2 for 5 min we jumped at the chance. We dropped all our water and filled everything we could. Then I noticed the trailer tank leaking. Ahhh crap. A rock had split a elbow piece. After lots of cursing from James he got the piece out. Of course it was a piece Rhys had glued for us so it wouldnt leak or move. I ducked into the shops to pick up some basics. On a side note Wollies in the NT no longer supply shopping bags. I was glad I had only a dozen things and purchased just 1 bag. We then went to the hardware and luckily they had plenty of supplies James refitted the new piece and we were off. Out at the park we found a spot set up and then had lunch by the pool. After deciding it was way to hot to walk we moved the UHF aerial to the bull bar as the bracket on the top part is fractured and we didn't want it to fall off. We then swam & sat by the pool for the rest of the afternoon and into the night. It was very much like a resort pool and after 6pm we had live entertainment. We enjoyed dinner and drinks listening to tunes into the night. 

Photos to come, I'm blogging on my iPad while sitting enjoying the music and atmosphere. 

Monday, August 05, 2013

Our first month on the road.

To be able to upload this video I had to reduce the size of the file.  If viewed in full screen the pictures are very average, for best viewing don't enlarge it.  If you cant see the video at all try using a different browser. Next movie I will try different settings to get a better quality video.

August in the Northern Territory

We will be spending most of August making our way through Kakadu National Park. Below are some of the places we will stay and see but we are just going to move as we feel and take recommendations off fellow travellers along the way. Depending on time/distance we might even go back and do Litchfield National park before stopping in Darwin for James to work in September.

Daly Waters
Elsey Gorge
Katerine Gorge (Nitmiluk National Park)
Edith Falls
Pine Creek
Into Kakadu
Gunlom Falls
Maguk Gorge
Jim Jim Falls
Twin Falls
Jim Jim Billabong
Nourlangie Rock
2 Mile Hole
4 Mile Hole
West Alligator Head
Shady Camp
Middle Point
Gunn Point
Humpty Doo

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Well some weeks are just like that...

Sunday, hmmm well it was supposed to be a nice easy day. Get up, pack up, swim, short trip to camp, set up, relax.  That WAS the plan.  So here is how it really went. Get up, Pack up, SWIM ahhhhh so cool and clean.  Drive to Adels grove and fuel up at 199.9 a ltr (lucky we only needed 15 Ltrs) head off on the Savanah way west towards King Fisher Camp (KFC).  After about 80km turn left off the Savanah way and onto Bowthorn Station road still heading towards KFC only 48km to go.  We were making excellent time and would get to camp before lunch. The call came over the radio from Hammo "we are just pulling over for a moment" ok  thought we will just wait at the next gate it was only 1km away.  Then the next call "guys you might want to come back" oh shit we thought a blown tyre.  Ha if only it was a blown tyre.  No not that simple.  Hammos drivers side hub on his trailer had caught on fire.  The fire was out, it was just the grease inside the hub that had caught when it had gotten so hot. Ok so plan is let it cool then take it apart use the replacement parts and fix it then be at camp early afternoon.  After all it was only just before 12 noon. Yeah right!!! After getting off the wheel the nut was welded to the axle.  So next plan is to call NRMA and get RACQ to come and tow it.  Well long story short after 50 minutes on the Sat phone they said the best thing to do is to drive to Bowthorn Station which was 2 km away and see if they can help  cause the nearest tow was 5 hours away as he had to come from Cammoweal.  So James and Hammo set off in our car and returned with Mick the station owner.  It was now about 2pm. Again to cut a very very long story short after many attempts to get the nut off and then the washer out and then the bearings out we limped the trailer back to the station. They had the nut off the washer was welded but it came off  but the bearings had welded themselves to the axel also.  At 6.30pm they called it quits and we set camp for the night, next to the work sheds.  We were very appreciative of the fact we were not on the track and Mick opened up a toilet and shower for us. We cooked up a quick bolognaise to share and ate together. It had been a very long hot day on the side of the track at Bowthorn station which is about 25km from the intersection on the Savanah way, (In the middle of nowhere).  We were in the middle of doing the crossings over Accident Creek which we will never now forget the name of.

Last swim before heading off

 SAT phones at work

Monday, Brad who is the current caretaker of KFC was called in to help.  He is a boiler maker and he would be able to fix it.  He arrived about 9am and set to work with his oxy.  Not long later the bearings came off.  Brad then worked on the whole assembly and managed to salvage it back to a good working state and put it all back together.  It was now 11.30am and 24 hours after first getting the call on the UHF we were all again set off to KFC. This time we went behind Hammo incase anything happened.  We were just 5km from the Station when we noticed Hammo stopped again.  The first thought was he is just checking things until we got closer and saw it.  AHHHHHHHHHHH #### the F###### bearings had collapsed completely this time and the wheel was barely hanging on. We managed to pull the trailer just off the track before the wheel went crack and nearly fell off the whole way it was just wedged in the gap.  The plan was now to call NRMA/RACQ and get a tow there was no going back to try and do it all again.  So at 12 noon the boys set off in our car to go back and ask to use the phone.  They arrived back at 2.30pm with the news that a tow would either cost a packet or not come till Wednesday.  After securing the trailer and tinkering with things the decision was made to get the tow on Wednesday. The boys again set off back to make that call.  After a further 2 hours they returned with new that nothing could be booked till morning.  We had said to the Hammo's all along we will stay with them till we know they are safe and sorted so we all set off back to camp to spend the night in our trailer. Di and I had now spent virtually 2 whole days on the side of a dirt road watching very few cars pass, keeping in the shade and trying to find things to do.  We set up a hopscotch course, I tightened all the nuts on our car and trailer, made the car tidy and we talked and solved the worlds (well Hammo's worlds) problems. The shower was sensational it had been 10 Days since I had had a HOT shower and after 2 days on the side of a dirt road not much felt better ( I had been having cold showers and swimming every day but nothing beats a hot shower).

Tuesday we were not in any great hurry to wake up but we all rose and faced the day.  Hammo and James got to work making up things so that the tyre could be fitted to the trailer.  Di and I tried to help where we could but generally just pottered around. Another LONG story short about 1pm the guys fitted the tyre and it worked so no the trailer was rolling.  It didn't have to get far but they had success in getting it back on its wheels so it could roll onto a tip truck.  After a quick lunch we farewelled the Hammos.  They were expecting a confirmation call at 2.30pm for a tow for the following day and there was nothing more we could do to help.  We turned north west and headed for King Fisher Camp yet again.  We made it into camp in good time but we were exhausted.  It had been a few very trying days so it was good to sit at camp and relax on grass under the trees.  We were chased into our tent just after 8pm when the mosquitoes got so bad they were biting us through our clothes.

Wednesday morning we were in no great hurry so we packed and were rolling out of camp about 9.30am.  We had been told that if we back tracked about 30 Kms to Doomagee we would get a super market and with our fresh food stock looking dismal we turned east on the Savanah way and went into town.  With the fridge full and car full we again set off West with King Ash Bay as the destination.  It was only 380 Kms.  This was our last day in QLD for a while and we said farewell as we crossed the boarder about 1pm.  Not long after passing into the NT our car ticked over 230,000km we gave Randy a pat and kept going. We pushed on till we got to the Calvett river where there was a place to pull off for lunch.  We had a half hour stop then continued.  The road up to this point had been really quite good we were sitting on about 70-80 kph but after this point oh boy did that change we were now only doing between 60-70 kph.   We pulled into Borroloola and fuelled up with only a further 42 km to go we pushed on.  The road was not a lot better and we finally pulled into camp about 6pm we were exhausted again.  We enjoyed our dinner and then a walk up to the pub to call home.  The pub is the only place with reception.  We heard from the Hammos that they had made it to Burketown and were seeing the mechanic the following day.  

Thursday we were awake early and packed ready for only a short 200 kms to Lorella Springs.  We had seen good things about this Station and were really looking forward to some spring swimming and relaxing.  We set off before 9am and headed south west then north up to LS. Well we were in for a shock at how bad the road could actually get. On the main road we were sitting on 60 with some slower patches but once we turned off and onto the last 30 kms we could barely do 40 kph it was rough, the corrugations were huge and the road was in appalling condition. We arrived just on noon and checked in.  We found a nice place to camp under the trees where we could hear the spring running down stream. After set up we went and soaked away our aching backs in the warm spring water. We ate a very late lunch and just snoozed the afternoon away under the trees.

 Snooze time
 Happy Hour

Friday morning we had decided to first swim in the spring then breakfast then off for a drive to see the gorges and other swimming holes.  After signing out so the staff know where we were going and getting instructions we set off about 10.30am. We did the crocodile springs and Tullawaha pools loop.  It was only 18 kms round trip.  The track really was a bush track and we spent a good deal of time in 1st gear low range crawling across rock beds.  It was not hard driving just slow. We had to do a short 600m walk out to the Tullawah pool. I went for a swim out there.  I really enjoyed looking at Fossil Fern the patterns in the rocks were beautiful. We had lunch at one of the pools and then set of back to camp.  I had said to James that I would drive back to give him a break. Then we came across the deepest river crossing Randy has ever done. I was nervous to say the least I had never driven through such deep water but the car in front had no problems so across we set.  It was deep but Randy chugged through and I was thankful we had the snorkel fitted for that one. We arrived back at camp a bit after 2pm again went and chilled in the water then snoozed.  Ahhhhh we could get used to this swimming and snoozing way of life.

Saturday morning we had a little sleep in and when we woke we decide to push on out of camp.  Lorella springs had been a little bit of a let down.  The pools that they rave about were so different to the pictures and sure they sell fuel, which we would have needed had we stayed and done more driving but it would be sold to us at $3 a litre.  At $34 a night for a site with no power and nothing much to do it was time to pack up and hit the road.  We were packed and on the move by 10am. We made it to Cape Crawford about 12.30pm fuelled up, aired up and had a quick lunch then pushed directly west to Daly Waters.  We drove the 270km on bitumen only getting off for passing trucks and other vehicles as it was only one lane wide. We pulled into camp just on 4pm.  We scored the second last powered site and because we were setting up for 5 nights they gave us a very cosy grassy spot right next to the pub and close to the amenities. We were buggered so we opted for a pub meal and we both thorougly enjoyed the beef and barra with lots of salad.  The  atmosphere and entertainment for the night was one to remember.  We had not laughed so hard in a long time.  We purchased "Chilli's" CD's so keep an ear out for them in coming short movies I may make.

This weeks total is an even 12 each.

Gregory Downs and onto Lawn Hill (Boodjamulla)

Sunday ahhhhhhh the day of rest, hehehehe.  We took advantage of having to go no where and enjoyed a sleep in.  We then had a cooked brekky of baked beans on toast.  I did a load of washing, we swam, read, slept, tinkered and generally relaxed.

Monday ahhhhhhh its great to be on holidays and not having to pack or move some days. Today we tinkered on the car I had noticed a loose bolt on the bull bar so we tightened every bolt we could find loose.  To me it seems that our mechanic might have got the apprentice to do up one side as each of the bolts on one side needed attention while the other side was fine.  We broke out Yahtzee and over the course of the day played 5 games of which I won 3 and James won 2. We swam and read and then had a really yummy roast beef for dinner.  It was much cooler and overcast all day.  The wind had a chill to it.  We kept the fire going all day and when we weren't doing something we sat by the fire playing Yahtzee.  For most the morning we were concerned it might rain.  We are not worried about camping in the rain but we are concerned because we are camped in a river bed. We retired early to bed when the wind picked up in the later evening.

Tuesday ahhhhhh another day or rest.  The clouds had pushed on and we woke to a sunny morning but the wind persisted.  It was cool also. We put on long clothes before leaving the tent. We did a little more clothes washing as we knew the wind would dry it then we bucket washed the car and tinkered with the things on the roof.  In the afternoon we went for a walk upstream.  The river was very deep in parts and wide it was probably about 50 meters wide in parts.  It really looked inviting but the wind kept us cool so we saved that swim for our next visit.  We had a quiet relaxing evening enjoying the company of Pam and Kerry around the fire.

Wednesday it was time to pack up and move onto Lawn Hill. When we woke it was colder then any other day we had experienced so far.  We put on long clothes again before doing anything.  We had a slower pack up then usual as we knew we really didn't have far to drive today it was only about 120kms into lawn hill from where we were.  We said our farewells to our neighbours and headed out of camp around 9am.  With a quick fuel up in Gregory Downs at 199.9 a litre we were thankful we only needed a half a tank to fill us up.  We pushed on to Lawn Hill.  The road was good and we passed 2 sets of road works on our way out.  It was after the turn off to the mine that the road deteriorated.  It was not the worse road we have been on but it certainly wasn't a good road.  We made our way past Adels Grove and onto camp.  We pulled in and started setting camp about 11.30am.  We had lunch and decided to do a "short" walk to Indarri Falls it was only 900 meters from camp ah easy we thought. The Hammos had not shown yet but we left them a message and set off.  So at 2pm we set off to see the falls. It was only just on 900 meters to the falls and it was a relatively easy walk.  When we got there we took a few pictures and admired the area before setting back up the hill out of the gorge. At the top you can choose to return to camp the same way or go another 900 meters to Duwadarri look out.  So we figured hey will here lets just knock that over to and it looped back to camp.  Well the first 700 meters is relatively easy but the last 200 meters is not so very easy.  It was now about 3pm and stinking hot and we were climbing the side of a rock hill. Once at the top it was cool with the wind blowing and we had a seat under the tree.  We could see camp and saw that the Hammos had arrived.  From here it was only 720 meters back to camp.  The first 280 meters though went almost straight down. I was haning onto rocks and trees for dear life at times decending this climb.  The walk back to camp took a different route and we found some beautiful entrances to the water and decided it was definitely time for a swim.  We arrived back to camp to find the Hammos gone out somewhere, so we changed and went via the canoe hire place to get a tube to float in the river with.  We walked along to the river entrance and there was Hammo and Evil admiring the water.  We couldn't wait to get in but couldn't convince them to get in.  After cooling off we enjoyed the evening spent with them catching up.

Indarri Falls

The gorge 

 The view from Duwadarri lookout

Thursday, well there is no sleeping in or long lay in when there are walks to be done.  We were up and headed off just before 9am to do the Island Stack walk.  It was 4km long, the actual top of the Island is 1.7km around it but the trick is you have to first climb up to the top of the stack. It is only 200 meters of really up climbing but oh man we stopped a few times to enjoy the view.  We really enjoyed our time looking around the top of the island with the river winding its way around it was very different from each side as we peered down.  At one point the walls appeared to be at least 150meters tall.  We descended about 10.30am.  James and I took the track out to the cascades walk which was a further 400 meters along while the Hammos returned to camp.  When we got back we chilled out with coffee then lunch before setting off down to canoe up the river.  We hired a canoe each for 2hours but because we are staying here we left a deposit and could take as long as we wanted and just return the paddles in the morning.  We set off up stream.  Well to say James and I were nervous/anxious and packing it would be an understatement.  We were rocking and were so worried about falling in.  Not because of crocs or getting wet but we knew we just wouldn't be able to get back in the canoe.  I was too unsure about our steadiness so I didn't initially get out my camera.  After we reached Indarri falls and got out of the canoe and carried it around the falls put it back in and got going again I began to feel more confidant.  I took picture and really started to enjoy it.  We paddled right up stream as far as we could. It probably took about 1hr and 20min to get all the way up.  Coming down stream was easier with a little bit of current and the wind behind us.  We again carted the canoe back past the falls but we then stopped for a swim.  We had the place to ourselves with the Hammos.  We swam right up under the waterfalls and enjoyed watching the fish watch us.  We warmed up in the sun then set off back down to return the canoes.  We got back about 5pm and were all buggered.  It had been a really long day but one we will never forget.

 Almost straight above the sign is the lookout.

Friday morning we set off on the Wild Dog Dreaming track.  It was supposedly 4km long but my walk tracker only registered barely 3km.  It was a easy flat track that took us along the bottom of the Island stack and to where the rivers joined up.  A BIG wild pig scared the poop out of us.  We were walking along admiring the water and he was fast asleep on the track.  He was HUGE but took off after we scared each other.  Back at camp Hammo needed to do some repairs on his trailer so James and he spent many hours under it fixing the spring.  In the afternoon Di and I took our big rubber tubes up to the Indarri falls and swam back to camp.  Well the idea was to float but there was no current and no wind so it ended up being a lot harder and further then we had remembered.  We estimate it was about 1.5km.  It was very peaceful and enjoyable but I don't think I would do it again.  Hammo and Di had met Michelle and Jeff at previous camps and they came into Lawn Hill today.  So we all sat around enjoying the evening.

Saturday we decided to go and visit Riversleigh D site which is an old fossil site. We saw remnants of all sorts of animals in the rocks and the rock formations from up to 530 million years ago. Back at camp I needed a nap and after that we went to the river for another swim. Hammo and Di were in the water as were Michelle and Jeff, we all floated around on tubes enjoying the cool.  As it was our last afternoon and we still had 1 more walk we set of at 5.20pm to do the 3km Constance range walk.  It was the longest climb to the top we had done both in height and the length of time to get there.  It was not so steep just a bloody long way with the heat on our backs it was sticking hot.  The view however from the top was worth it.  We stayed up there for sunset which mother nature turned on.  We had a few clouds around so the colours were magnificent.  After sunset we hightailed it back to camp getting back just on dark.  We cooked up a quick fish and cous cous dinner then went to Michelle and Jeffs camp for the evening.
Playing Silly buggers again at Riversleigh D
 Gregory River
 The view north from Constance Range
 Sunset Constance Range

Again I didn't drive so James wins again this week with a grand total of 14 his strike rate is pretty good.  Can you imagine only driving a few times a week and when you do you only pass about 20 vehicles???