Sunday, February 24, 2013

Under 12 weeks to take off!!!

2013 is the year we have been working towards. We paid off our car in 2012 and the trailer has had many modifications to "get it ready". Last August we took it to Cameron's Corner to try things out and see what things we need & what is surplus. This trip was invaluable to us for working out many things we need and to also give us a greater sense of distance and obstacles.

In December the sorting/packing began. We are very fortunate to have wonderful family & friends who are storing some of our precious things and now us. We took a furniture trailer load of things to Qld at Christmas time and on our return we packed to rest of our things. We sold and donated all the furniture we no longer wanted or needed.

On the 13th of January we packed the last of our things into the car & camper and headed to Canada bay to live with the fabulous Ron & Desley until we head off in May. We farewelled our wonderful little unit 29 on Friday the 21st. It was very hard to leave our home we truly had made it home and loved where we were & how it all worked. We had lived there for 5 years and in that time gone through so much, so many memories. 5 years may not seem long to many but if you take the fact that together we have lived in 11 different places in 12 years you can see why and how it really felt like home. This little unit really helped me in particular feel like Sydney is my home. Other then our childhood homes it is the longest place we have lived anywhere.

With only 11 weeks till we leave its now all becoming very real. We are madly saving and planning the last modifications to the trailer. My thoughts are consumed with what to take and how to pack. Not carrying excess items is high on the priority list as it means weight which is money and also frustration when setting & packing up camp.

As for a plan we are going to set our travel plans as we go. It will be something we look at far more once we leave Sydney. For now we know where we are starting and the direction we want to head and that's enough for us.

I had another hurdle to get over I had to tell the kids I nanny that I am leaving. Last week I told the kids about our trip. They all took it really well. They had some questions but generally they were excited about meeting up with us in June when they are heading to Darwin. Saying our goodbye will be very hard but I know we will be friends for life so it's only farewell not goodbye. I have been their nanny for the last 7 years and seeing them grow has been one of my greatest pleasures. They are all truly amazing wonderful individuals who I love dearly.

The coming weeks are now all about enjoying Sydney and our jobs and our lives with our Sydney family. To all our SF you will be hearing from us more seeing us more you are all so important to us and we are cherishing our last weeks here.

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