Sunday, June 05, 2011


We didn’t want an early morning trip down the coast so we ventured south Friday night to stay with our fearless trip leader.  We managed to pull in for coffee and desert and didn’t get lost in the process.
We woke at a very reasonable hour and had coffee while admiring the view, then hit the road at 8.30am.  We drove a great road up to the Illawarra Fly and enjoyed breakfast with the ever swelling crew.
The Fly walk was fun to do the boys of course thought it very funny to rock the bridges as much as possible.  The views were spectacular it was a very enjoyable way to start the day.

From there it was off to the pie shop for lunch and supplies for desert and then onto Yawal.  It was from here that the convoy really seemed long. It was also about now when our fearless trip leaders voice starts to quiver with fear as he reveals he may not know exactly where to enter the track, we begin to laugh and just add in the occasional subtle dig.

The drive in was interesting we did only get lost once if you call taking a different track cause you can’t find the one you were planning to use only getting lost once.  The cars stopped and aired down and some lines had to be picked but we pushed on and pulled into camp a while later.  It was maybe not the one we were going to camp at but hey you take what you can when you are not lost but finding a new way around.  We did manage to find a great puddle to splash in and some big rocks for the boys to play on and all was done in good time.

The camp was set and the fire was built. As the night cooled we threw together a damper the was very enjoyable and shared around with golden syrup just to top it off.


We had a very slow start to Sunday heading out late after a very cool morning.  We drove to one other campsite which we were maybe planning to be at the day before.  From here we tracked back along the same track and headed back to the powerlines.  It was at this stage that ourselves and 3 other cars chose the short route out and said goodbye to the other 6 cars.
We had a fantastic weekend thanks to David and Liz for running it.


Us2martins not getting lost with Dave in Yawal.

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