Saturday, February 02, 2008

There goes January...

Me again,

What a fun filled hectic and exciting month it has been. The school holidays were fantastic and a part of me really misses having all the kids around. We got out and did so many things but at the same time managed to have some great down time just kicking back and doing plenty of swimming.
January saw the start of the track building for Tuff Truck where I had a fantastic time learning to drive a excavator. I got to dig holes and lift and move rocks all in the name of fun and making tracks harder.

James and I have been in the process of Unit hunting, yes we are on the move AGAIN. The whole house sitting thing didnt work out for the guys who own it so hopefully before March we will be settled into our new place. We are looking for something small and convienent to both our works so time will tell as to what we get.

James is the proud owner of a 1988 wide track long wheel base stock standard suzuki. We have to thanks Tuff Truck for purchasing it for us and a HUGE thanks to Chris and Tanya for storing it for us for a while. We promise guys it wont be there when Zane learns to drive.

Sad news for us is that we sold our beloved Suzi-Q this month also. Thankfully it has gone to a member of our club who purchased it for his son as his first car. We were out today dropping off the final things and boy it was very sad to say goodbye for the last time. At least today I managed not to cry unlike when I had to drive to drop it off many tears were shed that day. We know she is going to get the best of care and love which makes us feel easier about it.

With a little over a month till The Great Shave I am feeling ever more nervous but also looking forward to feeling a whole lot lighter.

See you all at the end of Feb.

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