Monday, September 11, 2006

Our Wedding

Well we have finally decided that next year is a good year for us to tie the knot. We have picked the date of the 7th of July 2007 as it just fits nicely in with all the other things we want to do next year.

We are getting married by a celebrant in Noosa with the reception also to be held in Noosa.

When we came to thinking of a theme we came up with the idea of having a Madd hatters Tea Party so that is what we stuck with. We figured it kind of fitted our crazy life we lead. Each guest will be asked to wear a hat of any kind so start looking.

The most important people other then James and I of course are our wedding party and these people I will introduce to you in a post very soon once I get a pic of them to add to it so you can all get to start to meet them.

We are very excited cause just today we booked our honeymoon. Yay we are heading to Cairns for a week of warm weather, relaxing and exploring. We will be staying at the Trinity Lake resort where the pool is about 5 steps from the door and Cairns at that time of year should be fab.

There is soooo much more to write about and soooooo much more to organise so this is the first of many many posts. Keep an eye out for progress reports.

The Begining

Well I finally decided to do it. Yes I have got our own Blog going. For my family and friends to keep track of what we are doing and also so I can document the journey into the next year which could see many tears and stressful times with Tuff truck and our wedding.

First news to announce is that to start all the crazyness off we are moving house in 2 weeks. Yep we are leaving our lovley town and home of Wenty and heading to Croydon Park to be closer to work and save us time and money each day.

Also a piece of exciting news is that today I booked our Honeymoon. We are officially booked into the Trinity Links Resort in Cairns. We are both really excited about that part a whole week away to do nothing but relax and sleep and sight see.