Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sculptures by the sea, Cottesloe

Being that we have thoroughly enjoyed the sculptures by the sea at Bondi for the past few years we didn't miss the chance to see what WA had to offer.  We had a wonderful day and I enjoyed using my Samsung camera to capture the images below.


With another long weekend right upon us we are known for not sitting around and wasting a long weekend so again we shopped and packed and headed off early to make the most of the time we had.

To finish off our "To Do" list for this part of our trip we needed to see 2 places.  Wave rock and Kalgoorlie. We headed out very early Friday morning so we could miss any traffic and make the most of the weekend. Just up the road we checked on the status of the fridge.  We had packed it the night before and let it run while we slept. We discovered that the repair place had turned it down to minus 20 and ALL our food was frozen!!!!! ahhhhhh crap, luckily the one can of drink hadn't exploded.

First stop was Wave Rock.  James slept while it was still dark and as we pulled into a little town about 8am it was time for breakfast.  We found the local park and had a picnic out of the back of the car.  It was here we had slushy milk in our cereal and tea. We then pushed on and made good time to Hyden.  We fueled up and arrived at Wave Rock at about 10am.  After getting our pass and a souvenir we enjoyed photographing the formation and wandering around and over it.  Back in the car we took the dirt back roads across towards Southern Cross.  About 30km into the 150km trip it started raining and it rained non stop the entire way to the highway and then on to Kal. 

James was in heaven he has been wanting to drive muddy roads the entire trip, though if you ask him he will inform you it wasn't muddy just damp dirt but towards the end it was getting better. We pulled into a nice little road house at Yellowdine for a toasted sandwich for lunch as the rain continued to fall.  It then rained rained and rained some more all the way to Kal.

On arrival we piked and opted for a cabin for the weekend.  The rain wasn't supposed to stop and we got a great rate at the van park.  We had also been very kindly given a donation from a great friend towards a night away when needed and this is where we used it as it was certainly needed.

The rain continued all night and we thoroughly enjoyed being inside and warm.  James kicked my butt playing our new card game.

We woke to a very overcast day but the rain held off all day.  The wind though felt like it had ice in it.  First stop was to the information center to book into the Bordello tour and unfortunately not the Super Pit as they had cancelled all tours due to the weather. We then went up to the look out and found out all about the history of Kal and how they get their water.  We next did the Museum tour then up to the Super Pit lookout to see what we could.  Back to the cabin to warm up and have lunch.  We met at the Bordello in the afternoon and really enjoyed a very informative tour of the facility. After we toured around town for a bit and picked up some groceries.

Sunday we had a leisurely start and left town about 10am.  We stopped at Boondi rock on our way along the road to see the camping area then in Southern Cross for lunch in the park.  We stopped next for fuel and a while later for a driver swap.  On our way in we passed the WA Ettamogah pub.  We were invited by Ann and Gary to join them for dinner so we arrived at their camp at 5.30.  We thoroughly enjoyed dinner and unfortunately couldn't stay late and had to head for home.  We arrived home very very happy but extremely exhausted.

On this trip we got to see, a City in the desert, the worlds tallest bin, on of the worlds largest mines, Australia's oldest working Bordello, Australia's narrowest pub and another Ettamogah pub.

Easter in WA

With our time in Perth very quickly coming to an end we knew we had to get out and see more and do more.  We had been in contact with Ann and Gary who would be in the area for about Easter.  With some planning we decided to meet them in the Avon Valley for the Easter Long weekend.  At the onset there didn't appear to be much to do in the Avon Valley but after I've been working 2 jobs and James working full time we decided that having very little to do was ideal.

We packed and purchased all we needed and at 7pm Thursday night we set off for camp.  Ann and Gary had a spot reserved and a camp fire going.  We found camp easily and had set up and was enjoying the fire by 9pm.

Friday we mostly just sat and relaxed, played some card games and in the later afternoon went for a walk up to another camping area.

Saturday we played cards, cards and more cards.  We only ventured a short way to collect fire wood and did very little.  Oh and we cooked a spectacular roast on the fire.

Sunday we celebrated Easter with cooked breakfast and chocolates.  To burn it off we decided to follow a goat track through the bush. The views through the valley and of the rock formations were stunning and well worth the walk.  James and Ann both got attacked by fire ants but luckily didn't get bitten.  We made it all the way down into the valley to the dry river bed.  It was a hot day and the thought of tracking back up the hill wasn't overly appealing so I came up with the idea of following the river bed back up as far as we could before rejoining the track. So off we tracked.  We climbed rocks and followed the river bed all the way back up to where the river first met the track.  It certainly was a nicer way to head back to camp.  We guesstimated that we walked about 7km and when we returned to camp a cool drink was needed.  We spent the afternoon again playing cards, then we cooked another roast while Ann made a chicken stew in her pot.

Monday we packed up and decided to head up to see Toodyay and New Norcia before returning home.  We pulled into Toodyay to air up, grab a snack lunch and see the great kid sized steam trains that run through their park.

From here we cross land and headed for New Norcia.  After Ann and Gary refuelled we did a driving tour of town.  The size of the old buildings was what impressed James and I.  Ann and Gary picked a spot to camp behind the servo while we made a cuppa.  We fare welled them and headed for home in the late afternoon.

We went out exhausted and a little strung out, with me fighting a cold and we returned completely rejuvenated and ready to face the next few weeks before we pack up and head off.