Monday, May 09, 2011

Easter at Blowering Dam

The regular trip down to Bendeathra had to be postponed this year as the tracks were closed. Rhys and Effie had been exploring at Christmas time and had found a great area to camp next to Blowering Dam/Reservoir.

Since we were so lucky this year to get an extra day off we decided to head to camp on the Friday morning. We had 6 in our group. Hammo and Evil, Rhys and Effie, Dean and Adam, Brian and Dawn, Matthew and his family. We met at the “Dog on the Tucker Box” at 10.30am for a 11am departure. Brian and family were running a little late but it was not long before we grouped and headed down the highway.

We turned off and made our way down through Adelong and onto Batlow and then followed the signs out to the dam. Lets just say well traditions have to be upheld and we did have to make a turnaround but hey that’s what makes trips interesting. We drove past several nice spots and then made it to Island Forest Park camping area and this would be our base for the trip. We set camp enjoyed lunch and collected firewood. It was early to bed for most as it had been a early start and long day for most.

Saturday most at camp just did as they needed or wanted. We headed back into batlow to get some basic repairs done and grab some supplies, Brian and family went exploring through Tumut, Rhys, Effie, Dean and Adam went south around the dam exploring and Hammo and Evil enjoyed the sun and stayed at camp to have the peace and quiet. We all merged back on camp early afternoon to sit in the sun enjoy some light nibbles and refreshments and sink further into relaxation mode.

Sunday morning most people slept in and had a very slow and lazy morning. It was nearly 11am before we decided to go for a drive and see if we can get around the northern end of the dam to then look for a walk to do on the other side of the water from where we were. After an hour of turnarounds due to fallen trees and blocked tracks we decided to head across on the southern end as Rhys and Effie had made it the day before. We enjoyed lunch at Log Bridge Camping area and then had heaps of fun taking more challenging tracks and muddy tracks on our way back to camp. Again we dragged wood and made a fire sat relaxed enjoyed each others company and the peacefulness of the area.

Monday morning Effie Dean and I rose early to watch the sun rise partly for photos but also to honour our fallen Anzac heros. After an early start we decided a trip north again was on the books for us. Dean and Adam headed down to Riverina to see where they had been years earlier. Hammo, Evil, Brian and Dawn decided that they were relaxed to the max and packed to head home so rhys and Effie joined us on our exploration. We had found a track the day before that seemed to just keep climbing through the forest so up we went and yep it did climb all the way up to the highest point of the mountain and up to the main road. We drove to the lookout and took some stunning photos. On our way back we stuck our noses down another track which at first seemed like it was going to go nowhere. Well we were so surprised to find a track marker so off we went to see where we could get. We were not hopeful that we would get anywhere with so many turn arounds the day before. We came to a few intersections and just picked a path and within about 20min we realised we were on a powerline trail that headed to the northern end of the dam. We finally spotted the northern dam wall and pushed on. We came out onto the black top and turned to find the wall. Well you couldn’t have found 4 happier people standing on the end of the wall. After spending so much time the day before and now to get there it was wonderful. We took photos dropped into Tumut to get coffee had a picnic lunch at the dam and then took the track back to camp collecting wood on the way. It was a very quiet night at camp many had headed home.

Tuesday we woke and got busy packing. We had a Emu visitor wondering through camp. Dean and Adam left early and we left with Rhys and Effie just after 10am. We decided to head across the back roads through Wee Jasper and onto Yass. This is the second time we have done this trip and unless necessary we wont be doing it again. We do enjoy the roads and scenery however it is a long trip home. After a very long wait for lunch we hit the road and were surprised to not get alot of traffic.

We had a great weekend and cant wait to get back to the area to do more exploring.

Us2martins enjoying Easter at Blowering Dam.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Coxs River Reccie

We wanted a weekend away the was close to Sydney so I used Google to find a great little spot named Coxs River. It is only about 2hrs from Sydney to the start of the track and then 30min into camp on a very easy road.

We were set to go though we were running a little late and with having to make 2 stops on the way we were at the meeting point 30min late so we are writing the trip report as the club tradition goes. Rhys, Effie and Dean were there in plenty of time and yep laid it on us to make us feel even better for being late. We turned left off the Great Western Highway and followed our trip notes out to the Six Foot track.

Through 4 gates and tracking along a easy dirt road we headed off to camp. As we camp to our final section of track we noticed several people walking. We had to drive through 2 short creek crossings and noticed areas to come back and collect wood. It was only a few more minutes and we pulled into the camping area. There was a nicely cleaned toilet with 2 loo’s a large shelter with 2 tables and a huge water tank on the side of it with a tap for using.

We drove down towards the river and found a spot just big enough for the 3 cars and 3 tents. We set camp ate lunch by the river and James had a little nap. We knew there was a suspension bridge up stream and had heard it was not too far so we ventured out. Well no one ever mentioned the 6 flights of stairs but we pushed on and were at the bridge within 20minutes. We all one at a time crossed the bridge. It was very wobbly and a few of the group were not so keen but we all crossed and waited on the other side. It was however decided that we wouldn’t cross back but walk the other side back down to camp.

We crossed the river by hopping rocks and just one of us fell in. We then made nibbles while the boys went out and collected fire wood. One of the highlights of the trip had to be sitting watching the river while the sun set and seeing the fish jump to catch the bugs which were skipping across the water. We built the fire enjoyed dinner and had a great night sitting chatting with mates and a fellow traveller who walked in late and needed a warm fire.

We headed out mid morning to take a different track out. We had the option down the track to do a harder track however with it now being midday and we heard another group on the track over the UHF and they seemed to be having some trouble. We decided to pull into the next camping area have lunch before hitting the black stuff home.

A great place to head to we will be going back when its warmer so we can enjoy the river with a swim.

Us2martins exploring Coxs River.

Time for a Visit back to Barrington Tops

It had been nearly 8 years since we had visited Barrington Tops. Our trusty travel companions Rhys and Effie were keen to head there so on the 19th and 20th of March off we went. It had been pouring down in Sydney for most of the night and driving out I drove through some of the heaviest rain I have ever driven in. It was not a good feeling but hey we were set for a wet and cold weekend anyway so we pushed on.

We pulled into the meeting point at the servo at the top of the freeway to find Rhys and Effie already there with Rhys’s sister Natasha also joining us. We had breakfast and waited on the other 2 cars. Dean and Dave were joining us.

Dave was a little late but not too much later we were headed off towards camp. We followed our trusty GPS and once again it got us just a little lost. We had to back track a few kms and take a left turn and we were once again heading to camp.

We pulled into camp and yep you guessed it, it started to rain just enough to be annoying. We set up shelter. Just as we got it up and found a spot for the tent the rain stopped and the leeches disappeared. We set camp and pick a spot for the fire enjoyed lunch and took a walk around the camp area. Not much had changed in the 8 years though it was good to see there was so much water in the river. We collected wood in the hope for a great fire.

The boys dragged wood and then chopped it up with an axe. The wood however had a different idea it didnt want to burn. We did get a small fire going but no matter the fanning or the addition of more or taking off of wood it never seemed to really get going well. We did manage to cook a nice roast as did Rhys and Effie.

The next morning we packed up and left camp mid morning to find some tracks to drive. We found one fantastic track which took us past a great national park camping spot which we will be looking at next time for the place to camp. It was flat and grassy and right next to a river. We ventured on and across some small creek crossings and up some very slippery hills the boys were very much enjoying the mud and more challenging tracks. We came out the main track and took a short walk to the lookout. We were keen to look down a old favourite track out to the pools however the track is closed so we headed out to the final lookout just past the Dingo fence. We stopped here and enjoyed lunch. We then pushed down to Scone where we stopped for coffee and to say our final goodbyes.

We had such a great weekend thank to all who came.

Us2martins in Barrington Tops.