Saturday, October 09, 2010

Then Turning 70???

Many many many months ago there were 2 wonderful virgos considering what to do to celebrate their 30th and 40th birthday that would fall 2 weeks apart in September of 2010.

There was so many suggestions and so many discussions and venues considered. It was hard to find figure out something that we both had a passion for to celebrate such a wonderful occasion.

After careful consideration and many changes of plans and dates it was finally decided that a picnic in the park was the way we both wanted to share our day together.

On Saturday the 25th of September we held a family and friends picnic in Sydney Park, St Peters. The weather was perfect many many wonderful friends and some family made the day just perfect and a relaxing time was had by all.

We sat we talked we ate and just enjoyed being together with many of the people in our lives who we cherish and most importantly we shared it with each other and turned 70 in the most graceful way possible.

To my beautiful friend Leah all the words in the world couldn't fill this space with how special it was to celebrate with you. I cant wait to turn 90 with you in 10 years. Here's to us.
Just me Martin turning 70 with Leah.

Turning 30...

So as September approached I had lots of mixed feelings about turning 30. It just kind of snuck up on me and its not that there are things that I wanted to do while I was in my 20’s or that it really thought being 30 would be any different I just simply didn’t want to turn 30 I was very content being in my 20’s. So with support from James and a very good friend I faced it head on and decided that if I was going to turn 30 well I would make it an event to remember. Oh now the options began. What to do where to go and who to celebrate it. Really if I wanted I could have done anything I wanted the options were endless.

Leah and I had already set our plans on having a combined 70th birthday party but that would be much later in the month as to fit in with other plans. So I knew that I would at that point get to enjoy the company of lots of friends. So on the weekend of my actual birthday I decided that I would do something just for me be a little selfish and indulgent.

For some time now I have been thinking of having a “Girls Weekend” away either in a hotel or camping and so one night sitting on the couch I came up with the idea again and thought what a better way to bring in a new era in my life then to be surrounded by lovely wonderful ladies and indulge not only myself but all of them also.

So the planning began and with very little effort the weekend was set. I had booked the 2 bedroom Presidential Penthouse Apartment at the Wydham vacations resort for 2 nights only about 2 kms from home here and it only cost me $100 for housekeeping. So then I had to come up with a list of ladies to join me. This was one of the hardest parts I have so many wonderful people who I wanted to share the weekend with but I could only ask 5 ladies for each night as the space was limited to max 6 people. The list was decided on and I have to thank – Mum, Leah, Kazza, Mumma, Effie, Belinda, Linda, Di, Desiree and Liz for making the weekend surely one that I will never forget.

So what did we do for the whole weekend you say well we ate lots and lots of VERY yummy food and drank plenty of bubbles and wine and cocktails and we got pedicures and gave ourselves facials and we sat and talked and talked and talked. One of the highlights I have to say was heading to my favourite sushi bar for lunch. It was a wonderful atmosphere and fantastic sushi.

I have to make special mention to Desiree and Leah who bought in birthday cakes to help me make wishes on and share with everyone. Desiree bought a cheese cake and Leah bought the best cupcakes I have ever seen or eaten. They were both so special in their own way.

Turning 30 was not an easy task but when surrounded by such special people it made it memorable and something to try and uphold during the next 10 years.
Love and Hugs to every lady who made me feel so loved and special, I promise to carry all those memories with me from here out.

Just me Martin turning 30.

Zukana 2010

So Zukana 2010 for me started on the Wednesday before the long weekend. I was fortunate enough to be able to take the kids from work and join part of the Vella family and head to Milbrodale earlier then everyone else. We arrived and found the paddock in great form with plenty of grass and picked our camping spot. The rest of the afternoon was spent setting up camp while the 7 kids played with sporting equipment and assisted when needed. It rained from about 5pm till 10pm that day but nothing to bother us we were just hoping that was the end of it.

Thursday found a wonderfully clear day and sun cream had to be applied and re-applied several times so that none of us got burnt. We set out all the signs so that the coming crowds could find us and the kids continued to just play and enjoy being outdoors and free to run. The property owner visited us and we bought some fresh produce and he assured us that there was to be no more rain. We set up a fire that night and everyone enjoyed roasting marsh mellows and keeping warm.

Friday was another beautiful day and we all just hung out for the morning. Unfortunately the kids had to head home so right on 12noon I packed everything necessary into the car and down the putty we headed. I dropped off 4 very happy exhausted kids to their parents did a quick shop for the rest of the weekend picked up necessary items and then headed back up the putty. I had passed several cars heading to site on my way to Richmond so knew to expect a few campers but nothing could have prepared me for the actual amount of people who were already at camp. It was great to see so many people already there and the vibe was wonderful. As the night progressed camp grew steadily and the most unexpected arrival was Stefan in AYL’s zook. Of course he was the only car to get lost on the track in and took a detour via 2 extra paddocks but hey he made it and in usual Stefan style.

Saturday morning there were plenty of kids awake early and many parents saying they couldn’t wait for day light savings to start. Again the vibe around camp was very positive. Leah and I set up to take payment and register each camper and competitor and with very little trouble everyone was ready to start their weekend. The morning started out quiet hot though it was not to last long. The events got rolling with 3 being run at the same time. Just after lunch the rain started and the afternoons 3 events were not as popular as people choose to just sit and keep out of the rain rather then be out in the paddock. Unfortunately the rain didn’t ease and though there was a raging fire many choose to sit at their camp and socialise.

Sunday morning again it was not raining but it was overcast and windy. James had his event planned and he was off early getting it ready. Together we ran a very confusing fun event and everyone who wanted to had completed it by lunch so it was packed up and we were done for the day. Hammo’s event which was now run by the Z’s was also being run and everyone seemed to enjoy something different. Sunday afternoon the Hill run was set up by Pagie and run well. It was a very driveable Hill climb which made it entertaining to drive and watch. About 4.30pm the rain again started and really set in for the night. Amanda Vella got her cob going as a heater and we sat around camp keeping warm but coals. The presentations were postponed to the morning to hopefully be able to run them when everyone could keep dry. Camp was quiet by 2am with our camp being the last awake, the rain sure did dampen a few spirits by this stage.

Monday morning and the rain had stopped and it was windy so the campers and tents started to dry out. Presentations went ahead though it was threatening to rain fortunately it held off. We then got very busy and set about packing up. Just as the rain again started around 11am we were putting the cover on the camper and managed to have it all away dry. By 12.30 we were fully packed and with the rain not looking like easing we said our farewells and headed home.

We had a great time at Zukana and cant wait for the next one.
Us2martins off to Zukana 2010.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

A Meet up Group.

So after having such a great time playing volleyball in Bendeathra at easter I was inspired to find a group to join up and play here back home. After talking with Linda who also seemed to share the passion we decided that when the time was right we would explore the local area to find something. Now something that I had not heard of before was a “Meet Up” group. Linda suggested we search for a Volleyball group so into google I went and found that there was infact a group who meet every Sunday at Sydney Park in St Peters just to play some friendly volleyball.

So the thing with meet up groups is there is no cost no joining fee you just meet up with people who share a common interest and do whatever it is you met up to do. So I joined online and got James hooked and we worked out it is a short bike ride from home and one sunny June afternoon off we set to meet up with people to play some volley ball. We met Linda and Chris and many other people who all were there to do the same thing.

We had the most delightful afternoon found a fantastic park and played a heap of friendly ball. We have only managed to get back once more but it is nice to know that every Sunday we are free we can drop down the road and just enjoy doing what we love.

Us2martins playing volleyball.

A quick trip to Tasmania.

Our 3rd wedding anniversary snuck up on us quickly and with a busy schedule we decided to take a 4 day weekend and head to Hobart. We managed to get a good deal on flights and used our holiday club accommodation. We booked a car packed warm clothes and set off to just chill out for 4 days.

We had a early flight Friday morning and arrived to a very cool 4 degrees at 10am. We had our car and were driving towards Hobart in no time flat. We ended up with a 4 door automatic corolla, it was nice to be able to just drive without worrying about gears or a big car for a change. As we crossed the bridge all the roads became familiar and with ease we found our way down to Salamanca. We found a cafe and sat back to enjoy a quiet late breakfast. We spent the next few hours strolling through the shops and around Hobart just enjoying the beautiful old buildings and trying to stay out of the very cool wind. About 2pm we turned and headed north to find our accommodation for the weekend. Our room was not quite ready so we headed to Sorrel to stock up on some basic supplies for dinner and the next few days. Once we got back we checked into our unit and again were taken back with just how nice the accommodation is and how it just has everything we needed. James was feeling very unwell coming down with the flu so we had soup for dinner and just had a very quiet night in.

After a wonderful long sleep in we talked through what we wanted to explore while we were here. The road from Sorrel to Bicheno was one we had not driven so with a basic road map and GPS we hit the road about 11am. The drive was just wonderful and though James slept through most of it I enjoyed the changing of scenery and drives along the coast and through the paddocks. Swansea is a beautiful town and I can see why it is so popular. The rain had been anything from very light to the heavy pour all the way from Sorrel but when we were just out for a drive it sure didn’t bother us. We pulled into the visitors information centre in Bicheno and had a look at their road map. It was then we decided to head back up Elephant pass and stop at the Pancake Palace for a late lunch. We again had wonderful food in a great atmosphere and would recommend it to anyone heading to Tasmania as a must stop. From there we continued north west along the Esk highway and drove another road we had not been on to get to the Midland highway to head south. We came out at Conway and drove from there down to Campbell town and pushed down to Hobart. We managed to drive on roads almost all day on which we had never been so we were very happy with our exploring for the day. We had heard about a special festival that was being held at Salamanca called the Festival of the Fire. It is a celebration of song and life and fire. A large congregation of choir groups are lead by 4 leaders carrying fire sticks and all singing in unison head down the road and then around a large fire pit which has a tepee of sticks ready to be lit. There are people in balconies signing and on stages. It is a wonderful thing to see so many people all united and peaceful there to just enjoy the evening. After it was lit and we had soaked up the atmosphere we ventured out and found a fantastic restaurant to have dinner at. We wondered back past the fire and then made our way back to the resort for another peaceful nights sleep.

Day 3 again we enjoyed a sleep in and this time decided to head south to explore more. James was still feeling unwell so just being in the car and exploring was the nice easy thing to do. We drove the coastal road from Hobart around to Woodbridge and then onto Middleton and then into Cygnet for a late lunch. Our very good friend Marcus had talked and talked and talked about Curried Scallop pies and how we really should try one while in Tasmania. So once we arrived in Cygnet we found a great pub that had a cafe attached and just happened to serve home made Curry Scallop Pies. We both ordered one and were very surprised at how nice they were and we too now can tell people to go and try one while in Tasmania as they are good and worth a try. We drove onto Huonville and then took the Huon Highway back towards Hobart. One of the best things to do while in Tasmania is just read the signs and stop when you get the feeling that something is worth having a look at. James had again fallen asleep and I was enjoying the drive when I saw a sign for a lookout at Mt Nelson. A quick turn left and we headed up to what was probably the highlight of our trip. Once we stopped James woke and we climbed out to enjoy the view. As it turns out Mt Nelson is the original flag signal station set up when Hobart was first being settled. There is still a large flag pole and a lookout point with history plaques and photographs and memorabilia from the era to look at and ponder over. We took photos and then decided that the call from the cafe was too hard to ignore so in we went. The original Signal mans house has been turning into the most delightful cafe with large glass windows closing in the verandah to provide a seating area with views over the water all the way to Eagle Hawk neck and even the top of Bruny Island. With book in hand we enjoyed a shared muffin and scone and cup of coffee and hot choc. With sun on our backs and the French music playing we could have stayed for hours but unfortunately the venue was only open until 5pm so we were asked to move on as they were closing. We will be back for lunch next time we are in Hobart. On our way back to the resort we picked up some yummy chicken and vegies and headed home. The resort is well set out with many facilities so we had a turn in the games room. We played a game of pool and then many games of table tennis. Just outside was a heated pool and 2 spas there was a fully equipped gym we could have tried though we were taking it easy so we did just that and kept it to games.

Monday morning we had a owners presentation to attend. After that we packed our things and checked out. We will be back to stay a Seven Mile Beach it was a very nice place to visit. We headed into Hobart to find the Putt Putt golf we had a brochure on. We played 2 rounds of 18 holes and had a wonderful time. Oh and just for the record I kicked After lunch we decided to visit Richmond we had heard lots about it and seen heaps of signs so again we followed our noses the signs and the GPS and drove through the mountains to find the wonderful Historic Richmond. We wondered through town and found a wonderful wood shop which makes many things in Huon Pine. We bought ourselves a few little souvenirs and then packed them into our bags and made our way back to the airport. We were early but we just read and played games on the ipod till it was time to head home. We arrived home late and exhausted but very relaxed and having had a wonderful time away. We will be visiting Tasmania again it just has so many possibilities and things to explore.

Us2martins 3rd Honeymoon in Tasmania.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

HD You Tube

A clip I found on the HD forum. Self explanatory.

Just copy and paste it to view it.


Sunday, May 02, 2010

A Day Trip to Hill End

We decided to do this trip in a day and make it a long day. So we left home at 7am to meet up with Chris and Linda at Blaxland at 8am. We pulled into Blaxland right on 8am grabbed a quick breakfast and were on the road by 8.20am heading through the hills towards Bathurst. We decided that a quick lap of “THE” Mountain was necessary and around we went soaking it all in.
After fuel and comfort stops we made our way to the start of the Bridle Track. I have to thank Troy for his help in offering maps cause without these we would have been fairly lost. The roads have changed a bit from the written book instructions but we only took one wrong turn and then corrected it and we were back on the right road.
We stopped to take a quick photo of the track sign and headed into the unknown. The track was easy going just VERY NARROW in parts. The scenery was spectacular all the way along the Turon river at times we were next to the river and then we were high above it looking over the mountain tops.
We stopped for a coffee at one of the reservation areas. There are plenty of places to camp all along the river that are free 2 have toilets and picnic tables and all the rest are mostly right beside the river with flat grassy places in and under and around the trees.
We pulled into Hill End just before 1pm and headed into the Hotel/Pub for Lunch. We sat out the back in the sun after moving the table a few times to get the optimum spot without too much fresh animal dung smell. We enjoyed a few cool drinks and had a very average lunch. The birds were wonderful to sit and listen to and watch playing in the trees.
We then took a walk through the main street admiring the plaques and photos and soaking in the history of the area. I was surprising to see how busy the Village Camping area was it must be a nice place as there were heaps of Caravans enjoying the area.
We decided that the road home was calling so we pointed in the direction of Sofala and hit the road. The road out to Bathurst has been freshly bitumened which was a nice surprise to the end of the day where we expected dirt. It was an easy trip home and a great day trip that we will be doing again though next time we will be packing lunch and enjoying it by the river.

Us2martins visiting Hill End.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A trip Down To Dingo Dell

With a long weekend upon us we were keen to get back to Dingo Dell it had been nearly 2 years we think since we had been in for a working bee. We were happily committed to the 4x4 Masters Competition on Saturday so we decided to fit it all in and head to Dingo Dell Sunday to make the most of the weekend. David and Liz also joined in for the 1 night stay as did Troy, Mel, Elise, Jessica and Stefan.
We had a very relaxed start to the day leaving Redfern at a comfortable 9am for a Sunday morning picking up David and Liz from their house to join the convoy. We were to meet Troy and crew close to 10.30am but as we got through the mountains he informed us he was running later than expected so we pushed on. The weather forecast was very average but I decided to work on my new theory called Myall Lakes where you drive all the way to camp in the rain it rains for the first night and then you end up with a fantastic weekend. David was a little dubious you could say as we got closer the patches of blue were few and far between but I tried to remain positive.

Tim had kindly sent through a map and simply directions to get to camp and with a little help of the GPS we tackled the track fairly blind but confident and hey if we got lost Tim would be fined even more. As it turns out it was a very simple map to follow and the basic directions were all that was necessary as it is a easy track to find and camp to find.

Just as we turned onto the trail we stopped for a coffee that Liz had pre-made and it went down very nicely with a few delicious honey biscuits. From here it was about 30min to camp. The track was VERY wet and VERY slippery in parts. The rodeo with its little lift did it with ease we only at times lost minimal traction while the XL7 also followed behind at times rubbing its tummy on the slippery ground. The rain had stopped but the tracks were just so soaked. About half way in we spoke with Darren who had gone for a drive up the opposite hill to us and they also were on their way back to camp. We crossed the Kowmung river and made the final 3km track into camp easily while picking our lines in a few spots.

It was so wonderful to be at camp and yep the sun was out. We timed it wonderfully that the rest of the group had just arrived back. We enjoyed lunch caught up with mates and warmed by the fire. Just on dusk Tim played a very moving tribute to our Anzac’s that is one of those moments you just had to be there to witness. Ah then came the cooking of the shared Lamb roast. The Steeles, Smiths, Hammo and Martins had joined forces to cook a nice piece or 2 or Lamb and roast vegies to share for the evening meal. I prepared the vegies and then let Tim and Dazza do the cooking. Well to say it was an enjoyable meal is an understatement. It is almost one of the best camp roasts we have had. We all managed to sit around a big table inside the awning of our camper out of the wind and cold and just let ourselves be engulfed by all the fabulous flavours and wonderful company.

It was a cold night and it was going to get colder the fire continued to grow and we had nice warmers placed under our seats to ensure we stayed very comfortable. Tim then cooked a fantastic beer bread and it was enjoyed by all. Slowly people set off to bed with Tim proving he knew how to do it in style.

The cold morning proved too cool for some who slept in late or like me just refused to get out till it warmed up, the overnight temp had dropped to -2. Another beautiful day was delivered and unfortunately pack up had to happen. We left camp just after 12.30 and headed to Kanangra Walls for lunch. After our farewells we made our way to the Blue Mountains car park and slowly crawled our way through it to get home not too late. Dingo Dell is a great trip with a fairly easy drive in the dry and a very slippery drive in the wet.

Monday, April 26, 2010

HD Posts

I have joined a few Forums on Huntingtons as a way to gain information and share stories and meet up with people. I tonight read the following things on a forum and have taken the words and put them on here. I found them moving and true and so very honest and could relate to so much, I just wanted to share.


I have always felt that and still do feel that there is systemic problem in the structure of the HD community. Ours is small. And it started out as not just undeserved but unversed. When a few people finally organized... then organized further... and became natl. and the go-getters emerged. Great people and needed people. Getting any information out about HD to whomever was better than not having any. And these few people were big to the average person dealing with HD. From something to nothing was a big deal. They meet and decide stuff. Doctors meeting doctors... officers talking to officers... board members talking to board members, social workers speaking to social workers. Then they show up and tell us what we need.. or how we think and how we should feel. They don't check if they have it right. Or if they are concentrating in proper directions. And what is supposed to be empowering for us really is just us being treated like kids. "Here is what you need and why you need it." And even how you speak about it in public.

Where is the safe place to go and say I don't like my mother with HD? What is the official answer to that? "Remeber it's the disease, not the person". Well duh. A lot of freaking good that does a 15 year old who gets yelled at in public... and belittled by mom.

Why is identifying HD early or even pre-symptomatic important? Officially, to help with trials... or start treatments to avoid problems later. They won't say or even address, so children, spouces, can resolve issues at the earliest point possible so the kid doesn't hate mom for 5 years prior to the more obvious HD symptoms and then feel guilt forever after for that hate. These are the issues we face... along side the obvious ones that a doctor gleens from 20 mins with us twice a year.

Who says officially not everyone is cut out to be caregiver? Not everyone is. They tell ya how to do it better, but never say you may not be the right guy or gal for this job.

What are the official responsibilities of a sufferer? Do they have a responsibility to their kids.. spouse, family? Or even to themselves? How many suffers before hand, make plans for long term care themselves? I mean go looking at places.. or help make sure there are places? How many, while they can, set up the legalities of decision making for their loved ones? Why can't we say, this is what you SHOULD do! You owe it to your family to help manage your own illness too.

How many times do we have to hear about Co-Q10? Out of 365 days... exactly how often does talking about it help you? So why is a break-away session about it and the few other things all that important?

For the moment... HD is an emotional based disease... for everyone. We have to have standards and parameters that reflect our emotional needs. We are not drawn to a community who is being drawn to listen about Co-Q-10. Maybe we need to offer the the ability to discuss the tough stuff. The best answer can't be "call the cops"... because absolutely no one took any responsibility early to see doctors... get treated... and the potential sufferer had made no plans or given no permission to anyone to help manage various scenarios.

The problem is we have been given the tools .. doctors, social workers, volunteer organizations. However no one had any idea that the tools are not self- automated robots who preform well without the craftsman using them. If we could gather with more incentive that directly affects us TODAY... then we would want to be "here" today. And if all of us could have some self determination in what is said and people actually understand why we say it.. even if it feels counter-intuitive... we will get somewhere. It almost seems like people want to make HD a "feel good" experience when we gather. And yes we do want to feel good... but for the right reasons at the right times. Walking for a cure has it's place... but it's not gonna help for long. It's one nice day one time a year. HD feels good that day... but not so much tomorrow. The game plan can't be ... wait for the cure. That's not a game plan at all. There are lots of tough issues we could be tackling for today and tomorrow, and if the cure comes... then great! It's ok to have the plan and the thinking set for people who miss that boat though. I don't tell my kid don't worry about HD... a cure is coming. Who can't handle that news? If it doesn't come for him.. what should he be doing? How will he have a better wife than I was husband?.. How will he be a better husband than T was a wife? What can he know and do to not be so damn scared? Every situation should have a management technique... and not be addressed with catch phrases.. PC statements and ... as a last resort, ignorance... because there is no roadmap.

Too much time is spent on trying to lend comfort... and not enough to preventing the need of it. I think people will show up for what they need. The hope and comfort road is used up.. poor us... but a cure is coming. More of us are ready to be smart rather than brave about the "unknown". If it's unknown.. it's just because people won't talk about it. Nothing is unknown.. mostly just unspoken. Or... we can keep saying... "it's the disease... not the person". But people only show up one time to hear that one.

Too many times have I heard "Remember it's the disease, not the person". But how do you know who a person is when all you have ever known is the disease. It is guilt that holds me to him, and it is the guilt of wanting to run away keeps me from reaching out to help the greater good. It is not easy to step up to help the masses when you feel like you are failing your own family.

I want a big fat manual a "what to expect when you are expecting...hd"

I want to know the specifics of how to plan ahead, how to ensure I will be taken care of if hd overcomes who I am as a person and I find myself alienated and alone. I want to know how to care for someone who has made no plans and doesn't care for your care. I want to know how to survive with hd and then once I have mastered that I will put some hope in a cure.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Easter @ Bendeathra 2010,

So the car was packed work was over for the week and we had decided to head in Thursday night to get 4 nights camping 3 was just not enough for the beautiful Bendeathra. We got away from home at 8.30pm and only had to make one fuel stop. We stopped for longer then we wanted but before long we were passing through a sleepy Braidwood and were onto the dirt. Oh getting closer by the moment we had a few near misses with wombats but then we saw the sign and turned onto the track into Deua National Park. From here it is only 23Kms to camp though it does take an hour and a half at a minimum. James aired down a little to make things more comfortable and on we set. It was a very uneventful trip in and with only 5kms to go we heard Mick Hill calling us on radio to tell us they had arrived found ray and were set up and heading to bed. The camping spot where we were hoping to camp already had 3 groups of people so Mick had made the decision to just head to our normal spot. We pulled in about 2.30am and had our camper up and were in bed by just after 3am and this has to be one of the best feelings in the world. In our favourite camping spot a cool night tucked into a very warm comfy bed knowing that it is just the beginning of relaxation.

Friday morning was a slow easy start we slept in and once we woke got going on setting up the rest of the camper. In no time the awning was up the mats were laid and ensuite was ready. It was only 11am and with coffee in hand we settled in to wait to hear for the rest of the campers. Mick and Jo had also decided to head in Thursday night and had pulled in, in nearly daylight so they arose late and were busy as was Mick and Jeanene setting up their camp. It was nearly 1pm before we saw the first cars cross the river from the second convoy. In this group was Walter and Alicia, Chris and Linda, Nick and Danielle and Richard with Corey and Jessica. Camp was set and then not long later it was nanna nap time I decided to have a rest and after waking hours later it turned out most of the rest of camp also decided to rest it was a very quiet camp. Festi Stu had also arrived and was busy getting his camp set. The boys then went out wood collecting, a fire pit was found we choose one that was central and had been previously used. After a very relaxing day of doing not much we cooked a fantastic roast and had a very enjoyable evening by the fire with great mates.

Saturday ah the day of sport. I had managed to pack Tennis racquets, Frisbees, Footballs and a Volley ball and with the post on the forum Linda had a Frisbee and Badminton racquets and Richard had a net and more racquets as well as a Football and Basket ball, Festi Stu had put in his Boche balls. Mid morning I walked out into the middle of the field and just started throwing the Frisbees to anyone passing it was only minutes before almost everyone had emerged and was joining in. Now 3 Frisbee’s going at once is just not enough so out came the footballs and volley ball so we now had almost as many flying objects as people it was a whole lot of crazy fun. Watching everyone’s different style for throwing catching and kicking was just plain funny at times. Richard set up his badminton net and Linda Corey Jessica and I gave it a go, while Festi Stu, Mick, Jo, Richard, Wally, Jeanene, Aaron and Sara all were giving boche a go. James later decided to join us at Badminton. We then decided that Volley ball was the next sport. Jo joined in and so did Festi Stu and we played 2 games. It was getting very warm being out in the sun so off to the river for a swim it was. We lead most the group up to the rope swing swimming hole where most of us went for a VERY cold dip. In went James then Danielle and following was Corey, Nick, Richard, Festi Stu, I made a dive and then Wally chose the dive in and froze everything, Jo was the last to get in but she made it. Just as we got out Chris and Linda dropped down and took some photos and video. It was so cold when I got out my hands started to swell up and it took hours before they were back to normal. Back to camp for a later lunch and an afternoon of resting and relaxing. Tennis was the sport of the afternoon with the badminton net lowered James, Jo and I hit a few balls and then Mick and Jeanene had a few rounds. It was camp oven night and I think there were 8 by the fire in total. Chris and Linda had made a rum and raisin damper and it was cooked wonderfully and then caramel topping was added just to finish it off. Everyone had a piece and it was as good as it looks in the pictures. Stefan had joined early evening after making his was in via the Merricumbeen track. Now with Stefan around the fire there is never a dull story to be told and well you just had to be there to hear the 3kg story. Mick and Jeanene had a fantastic game to share where we all bopped it, twisted it, pulled it and then screamed it just to finish it was a challenge but as a group we laughed and had a fantastic night.

Ah Sunday chocolate and more sports. James and I had taken our mountain bikes so we went riding exploring tracks and riding up hills within the area we were as we didn’t fancy carrying the bikes across the river. It was a great way to breath in the fresh mountain air and we managed to see 4 lyre birds along our ride. Walter, Alicia, Nick and Danielle, Richard, Corey and Jessica all decided that a trip to the caves was in order so off they set mid morning. When we got back it was time for a Volleyball rematch. Linda, James and I teamed up to be later joined by Festi Stu, against Jo Jeanene and Stefan to later be joined by Mick Mac. We got 2 games in before our teams of 3 became 4 it was 2 games against us and we then one the next 3 in a row to take out the series for this year. It was a fantastic game with a few long rally’s getting going and everyone got working as a team. James, Linda, Jo and I headed down to our usual spot for swim. When we arrived it was so fantastic to see that all the weeds have been washed out and I could swim right up the middle to the rock with no weeds in sight. The water was so crisp and fresh it was just wonderful to be in it. Chris, Linda, Stefan and Ray all were departing today so they had to get packing and on the track out. We said our farewells and wished them a safe journey home. Sunday afternoon I have to describe as the ultimate point in relaxation. Out came my picnic blanket and pillow ipod and camera and to just lay in the sun and absorb the atmosphere was wonderful. The caving group arrived back filthy and starving so they cleaned and lunched and set out relaxing. More badminton was played and wood was collected. With a few people gone it seemed a very quiet night around the fire.

Monday pack up day. We woke late to find the valley covered in mist, so we setteled in to have breakfast and wait for it to burn off before thinking about camping we did not want to pack anything away wet. Wally and Alicia were packed first and headed out early. Nick and Danielle, Richard, Corey and Jessica all set off next together. Festi Stu and Mick and Jo left next. Mick and Jeanene headed out via Moryua and we were the last to leave after enjoying our lunch in the valley we hit the mountain not far behind Mick and Jeanene. We could hear Mick and Jo on the radio and they informed us they were in the middle of a long que slowing making their way out. We caught the convoy at the trig. Not far down the hole convoy stopped and we found out that someone in the front of the 1st convoy had broken an aerial so they had just stopped mid track they were kindly asked to move over which they did and we asked if we could join us behind Mick and Jo and again people were kind enough to move over and let us pass. It was not long before we were turning back out of the park. We farewelled Festi Stu and Mick and Jo here where they decided to air up we pushed into Braidwood to do it and grab a coffee while we were there. We pulled into home just on 6pm having only had a small amount of traffic we were glad to be back.

All in all WOW what a fantastic trip we cant wait to get down there again and the bikes and sporting equipment are going to be a definite part of every trip from now on. Thanks to all who attended every person made it the wonderful trip it was.

Us2martins chilled out Easter in Bendeathra.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Meet Axle Rose

FINALLY we have been able to give our baby a test drive. We have owned her for many years now and she has undergone a heart transplant in the last year and we can now take her out and oh yeah she is running nice. She is now sporting a 1.6ltr EFI motor along with too many other parts to mention but it is the heart that gives her the power to face the rocks and ledges and logs that just happen to get in the way.

We were invited recently to test drive the tracks for a new competition and she took it all in her stride keeping up with the biggest of trucks to the 90 point mark all the way.

So why Axel rose well if you look at the bonnet close she has 2 axles for the bones and she is as red as a beautiful rose. I also thought it very fitting for a girly car in a boy dominated industry.

I just thought I would introduce you all formally to her so you can now keep an eye out here for more stories of where we get out to.

Us2martins introducing Axle Rose.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cockatoo Island

One of the Guys in the Club posted a trip to go Camping on Cockatoo Island. James and I thought it sounded like fun so we put our names down. Peter and Desiree also were free and decided to come along. We got going later in the day then we had hoped but not to worry we headed off for the train and then ferry just after 3pm. We made our way to the 4.25pm ferry and before 5pm we were on the island and setting up camp. We had decided to only book a site though we could have booked a site and tent beds chairs and torch. In hindsight next time we will take the whole package carrying all our gear was a little harder then we first thought. Oh well it is all a learning experience and turned out fine.

We settled in and then produced afternoon nibbles and then went for a walk to explore the island. It is an amazing place and has so much history to explore. We bought a bottle of wine from the cafe and did a lap of the island stopping to admire the buildings along the way.

When we got back we decided it was dinner time and set about using the free BBQ's to get dinner going. We had bought everything to make hamburgers and once they were cooked we sat over looking the water and Woolowich for the evening. The wine was opened and a fantastic drop it was. Peter and Desiree had also purchased a bottle so they enjoyed the whole experience while Ray enjoyed a cool beer.

It was very relaxing to sit listening to the water lap below us admire the city lights and watch the passing boat traffic that the night passed slowly and we even got to see some fireworks over the harbor bridge.

We got to bed and had a wonderful nights sleep. The cafe made us fantastic coffee's while James and Peter cooked bacon and eggs breakfast. We again sat and just relaxed and let time pass us by. We took the 11am ferry back and were lucky to only wait 2 minutes for a train Ray left us at central to head home. It was a hot afternoon so Peter and Desiree joined us for a swim. It was a fantastic way to end a wonderful camping experience and we would both recommend it to anyone. We will be going again so watch out for a post on here for you to join us.

Us2martins Camping on Cockatoo Island.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Camping at Myall Lakes 2010

Myall Lake

Date: 06/03/2010
Leader: Greg and Di Hamilton
Attendees: David, Liz, Rhys, Effie, Rebecca, Andrew, Kye, Amy, James, Wally, Alicia, Danielle, Nick, Matt, Mel, Lachlan, Laura, Dazza, Kazza, Noah, Cameron, Heather, Micky K, William.

With bad on the radar we were not even sure we wanted to get away. We decided to risk it but to take the Rodeo and small tent just in case. It had started raining even before I got the car packed and it continued and continued. I picked James up from work and we hit the road. Traffic was ok and within an hour we were on the highway and yup the rain continued and it only got worse the further we went. Visibility was poor but the traffic flowed. As we pulled into Wyong to fuel up the car and us we saw Wally and Alicia behind us and we had received a call from Dave and Liz and they were with Rhys and Effie looking for a good place to camp.
With full tummies and cars we hit the road together, and through the rain we pushed. Effie had said she had seen blue patches of sky so we held hope though it was fading. We pulled into camp and found the others easily at about 9pm. We set up and joined the mosquito’s and killer ants. We had missed the worst of the mozzies but they were still around and the killer ants really didn’t get going till the next day. The rain had eased but it was very misty and all night we could hear it raining on the roof of the tent and it didn’t stop.
We woke late to see patches of blue and held hope that it would continue to clear and by 10am it had cleared. It was a very relaxing morning with some people heading back into town for a few things and other just lazing around. By 11am the rest of the group had joined us and began setting up their campsites. We decided to migrate to the lake as it was much cooler sitting by the water.
Liz had packed her surf ski which was alot of fun for the big and little kids. Alot of us had a swim or 2 and some went for the rainforest walk and others just sat and chilled out. We spent the whole rest of the day by the water it was far too still and hot at camp though it was only a few hundred meters away. Later in the afternoon Dazza, Kazza and Noah showed up and then early evening Micky K and William graced us with their company.
We then had a celebrate the clubs birthday with pavlova and Liz pulled out 2 HUGE pavs to feed us all. Most of it was eaten but the last 3rd was just too much for anyone to fit in. We all had a fairly quiet early night.
Sunday saw another great looking day and seemed even warmer. We got to packing early and decided it would be good to be home early so we said our farewells and hit the road before lunch time. We got home early afternoon and had an easy unpack and were sitting with cool drink in hand with plenty of afternoon still to enjoy.
We are so glad we decided to go and really enjoyed the company of the 20 or so other campers. The only downside was not being able to camp with our car but we would go again to the same place to enjoy the lake and maybe even make it over to the beach, it was a very relaxing place that was great for couples and families.

Us2martins Camping with the Zook club at Myall Lakes

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My New Bike

I have been jealous that James can out ride and out step me in the last 12 months. I had a bike that I was kindly given years ago but it was too small for me so I finally decided it was time for me to get a new bike.

Last weekend we dropped into the Clarence Street Cyclery and after ALOT of searching I found the bike for me. It was on SALE and it was 50% off so we paid for it and picked it up today.

We took the train into the city and on Friday James had dropped his bike in to have a service so we picked them both up and headed for home. It was a little scary at first to be honest but within a few hundred meters I was feeling more comfortable and getting used to the gearing.

We rode over the Pyrmont bridge and through Darling Harbour up past the Entertainment centre and then across George Street down Regent and into home. With pedestrian traffic and wet pavement and roads we didnt push it but I really was amazed at how nice the bike was to ride.

It all seemed to just flow and work smoothly it was the user who needs more practice at changing the gears. I was surprised how easy I made it home and if the rain would have let off I would have been keen to keep going but the humid wet weather made for not a comfortable ride.

So I have ridden my first 4kms and cant wait for the next 4000kms. Who wants to join us in exploring this city by pedal power?

Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Special Weekend.

James many weeks ago said that he was planning a special weekend for us to enjoy. I was not to plan anything and keep it free, so with anticipation building the weekend approached. It was getting later on Friday night and I wanted to head for bed and James said no I had to get changed back out of my pyjamas and into clothes. Off we went and we headed to the airport to my surprise to pick up my parents. That was the beginning of the wonderful weekend. We got home and caught up and got to bed not too late. We all had a good sleep in until Dad decided to play with the ring tones on his phone...grrrr bloody early risers.

We had a very laid back relaxed morning having coffee and breakfast and just catching up. Then James told me he had bought tickets to Mumma Mia the Musical. YAY So we all got dressed and headed out for lunch and then to the show.

It has to be one of the best musicals we have seen ever. I still say that Chicago the first time I saw it was the best but this is a very close second. We all really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone.

We then came home again relaxed just enjoying each others company and looking at pictures and maps from our trip to Tassie. We then went to our local pub for dinner and all had great meals.

Now we are watching the tennis and again relaxing and having a great time.

Sunday morning we all woke late though I do suspect Mr early had been watching the TV for a while. We had decided to go out for Brunch so I looked up one of my favorite places and made a booking and boy are we glad we did.

We headed down to Watsons Bay to the Tea Gardens Cafe and enjoyed a relaxing brunch. We then unfortunatly had to farewell Mum and Dad. So back to the airport we went. Hugs and kisses later we waved to them at the doors.

James suggested we go and catch a movie to finish a great weekend and so we did. We saw Sherlock Holmes and both loved it. We then cooked another fantastic BBQ and watched the tennis to end this very special weekend.

Us2martins with the original 2 Mad Macca's.
P.S. I love you honey sooooo much thankyou.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Australia Day @ Bendeathra

Saturday morning started early when we left home at 5.30am. We had the thought of is this worth it and the answer kept screaming YES just get there and we will remember why. So we put on our tail (trailer) and hit the road with bleary eyes. We pulled into Goulburn and filled up the car and our tummies with breakfast and coffee and pushed onto the Braidwood. In Braidwood we had a comfort stop and picked up the famous pies for lunch and headed off for camp. The road from Braidwood to the turn off is 70kms of mostly black top and some dirt for the last 15kms. We turned into the Middle Mountain Fire Trail and could smell the bush through the heat. Into camp was only another 23kms but it is fairly slow going. It took just 1hr to complete the track and as we crossed the first river we knew that the early morning and 5hrs on road and 1hr of stops was well worth it.
Mick, Nean, Aaron and Sara were about 20min ahead of us and had found a great spot to camp. We were on the hunt for something closer to the water then we had previously camped. We were still across the river but directly on the right side of the track under the trees providing plenty of shade and easy access to water. At this stage we were the only camp in this area though as the days passed more arrived but we were in no way cramped nor had anyone close to us.
Climbing out of the car was like stepping out of a fridge into an oven the air was thick and moist and very warm. We picked a spot and had camp set up within an hour taking our time and trying to keep cool. Just after we were set up a nice cool change camp through and we sat under the trees enjoying our Braidwood pies. The afternoon passed with Aaron learning to ride his bike and Mick pumping up the kid’s pool while James and he set up the pump and pumped water from the river to fill the pool. The kids were cool and tired and we sat around passing the time just enjoying the bush.

Sunday bought an even cooler change and the day stayed mostly overcast. Mick and Nean had packed golf clubs and balls so we headed out in the field and wacked the balls around for a while. We lost one ball into the thick ferns and found one in a wombat hole so we figured we were one for one. Walter arrived just on lunch time and found a nice shady spot under the trees also and set up camp. After lunch and nap time we headed down to the water for a dip. Being so close we walked up to the swimming hole and did the traditional jump in off the rock. The water was not warm but a very wonderfully cool but not cold temperature. After the swim we all felt so refreshed. The day passed with plenty of remote control car driving and fixing some riding of bikes exploring the area and reading papers and magazines. Before we knew it dusk was upon us and we made a delicious dinner and settled down of a night of dot sitting while catching up with good mates.

Ah Monday and the relaxing continues. The clouds had passed and the weather was again warm. We woke late and had a slow start to the day. Mick had taken the kids exploring and walked the track where we normally collect fire wood and discovered National parks in their wisdom have felled logs and dug holes to try and prevent people from driving the path. The issue now is that people have destroyed more bush and driven around the logs to go and collect fire wood. We have been seeing lyre birds and Mick found one again with the kids but it is too quick to get a picture of. It was time to erect the Hammocks and we had 2 perfectly placed trees to hang them from. The hammocks were a hit with the kids and then Nean and I both enjoyed a lay down. The day was heating up so we opted to go for a swim. Mick knew of a different water hole that we had never seen so he led the way and we all drove down to the water hole. At this water hole there is a great shallow area for the kids to walk around in and I caught a tad pole for them to look at and then there is a great hole with a rope swing into it. There was another group of people swimming and after the kids had finished Mick was the first to give it a go. I climbed next and managed to not exactly swing but rather half swing and mostly fall with the rope but it was still fun. Then Wally did the swing of all swings and went in for the all mighty huge bomb and it was all looking good until the last second when he held on too long and when he let go at the furthest point possible he landed with the world’s best back slap in to the water. To his credit the splash was good and his bright red back was even more spectacular to look at. To his credit Wally went back for more and the second time perfected his swing and landed with ease. We all had a few swings and then left the water to explore the area. We drove each and every track in the valley as we had always said we would and just never got around to it. We found some great places to try out camping so the next few times we go we can mix it up a bit and try different areas out. We were only back at camp for about an hour and decided that it again was too warm and headed down to the normal water hole for a dip. Again the water was a really comfortable temperature and we just sat and chatted while the kids played and splashed. We got back and made a fire and got it going to cook our roast dinner. The roast was wonderful and I followed it later with a damper with melted chocolate frogs inside. A perfect way to celebrate our last night.

Australia Day,
It was even warmer today but there still was that wonderful cool wind and we were under the trees so it didn’t bother us. When we woke Wally was packed and ready to go so we farewelled him and not long later Mick, Nean, Aaron and Sara all were packed and loaded. We finished packing and headed off by lunch time to get into Braidwood for a late lunch of the most wonderful pies again. The track in and out of Bendeathra has changed little over the years though it is getting to the point where in wet weather we wouldn’t tackle this particular track if we had the trailer attached. In the dry it is slow going with lowered tyre pressures. You have to have good ground clearance and plenty of grunt to get up some of the sections while picking the lines over the rocks and around the holes. The drive in was a little easier as most the harder sections you go down but you still have to have clearance and know how to pick the lines for your car and let the motor do a lot of the breaking for you. We were surprised by the easy run home with no traffic and by 7pm we were unpacked showered and enjoying a BBQ dinner with a Seeds in hand on a very Aussie Australia Day.

Us2martins celebrating Australia day in Bendeathra.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

The LONG trip home.....

It started early we were lined up and through security at 6.30am and were finally boarded at 8.00am. We familiarised ourselves with the boat again and had a nice breakfast just before we left the dock. I had bought Travel Calm tablets for this trip as we were nervous about being awake for the whole day and feeling crappy. So for preventative measures we took both natural and medicated tablets and went and found our recliners.
We were in the second row this time which was not as good as the front row but the people in front were lying back so we could still have a good view. I was still tired so I managed to sneak in a 2hour nap. We then went to the onboard cinema and watched “The Young Victorian” It was well after lunch time so we grabbed some lunch and took more tablets as after we ate we were both feeling a little off. Ah then I realised that the 2 hour nap was not just due being tired it was drug induced and I decided that I would let the drugs work again and found my seat while James went back to the cinema and watched Astro Boy.
I woke to find James back and we were docking in Melbourne it was a quick and easy trip thanks to Travel Calm I would highly recommend it. We waited our turn and off we drove to officially finish our trip we just had to make the leg home.
The boat travelled 459kms in 9.5hours and we had a further 900kms to travel in 10hours. We stopped not far out of Melbourne to fuel up and James grabbed some dinner then he slept. I stopped in Holbrook to re fuel and stretch and then pushed on. I only made it another 100kms till it was my turn to sleep. It was 1.45am and I didn’t want to push myself. James took over and made 2 brief stops one for coffee and one for fuel and then we pulled into home at 5.30am. We unhooked the trailer and parked the car only getting out the basic essentials and walked up stairs to find our home and most importantly BED.
So this is the last post on this trip and not really anywhere as interesting as the rest but still part of our journey. We travelled over 4000kms in the car and nearly another 1000kms on the boat all in a fantastic 2 weeks.

Us2martins home from Tassie.

Friday, January 01, 2010

On to Devonport...

We took a very relaxed approach to the morning and unfortunately and fortunately we had started running out of many things including gas so the planned cooked breakfast had to be postponed to lunch. We have managed to ration things so well that after tonight’s dinner we will have finished all purchased meat, milk, juice, cereal, bread snack foods drinks most vegetables and fruit. So we are heading home with a mostly empty draw and fridge. We did a good clean and sweep of the inside and outside of the camper as it went away even wiping the bottom so it is all fresh ready for next time. We carefully packed everything so we could get to what we needed for tonight easily and the rest is ready for the boat. We even took time to play with our new nurf balls which were a lot of fun (thanks Linda).
We pushed out of camp at 11am and headed through the scenic route up to Devonport. We drove past many lakes and small towns on and off gravel and through countless hairpin turns and up and over and down the mountains. The Great Lake is very impressive and it is HUGE again another thing we have been privileged to see due to the choice of roads. We passed through Deloraine and then took a quick stop in Latrobe to pick up some fresh cherries and raspberries to have for desert. We pulled into the van park and got our cabin just after 1pm and had that cooked breakfast/lunch.
We decided to do a cruise through Devonport and managed to pick up some cream to have with the berries and cherries and a few other things we needed had a coffee and muffin at McDonalds while we updated the blog with their free Wi-Fi. We now have renamed McDonalds as Wi-Fi it is the best internet access you can get anywhere in this part of Australia everywhere else in Tassie is Dial up.
We decided that a trip to the movies to see Avatar was a good idea so we are just showering and getting sorted to head back for an evening session in 3D. We picked up some Travel calm for the boat just so we won’t need it tomorrow.

Us2martins in Devonport counting down the hours .

Last day of camping...

We woke early and it was still REALLY windy and it had been all night and the canvas was still all attached thank gawd and still flapping. We did the usual breakfast and pack up and headed for Hobart. We had head that the Taste Food Festival was THE thing to do and go to so with that in mind we decided to have a look. We arrived a little before it opened so we found a coffee shop in Salamanca and people watched for a while. Wow the Taste Festival is fantastic our only issue was we had eaten breakfast and were not hungry but we know for next time come really hungry because there is sooo much to tasted and choose from.
We then decided to head straight up the middle and find a camping spot for the night near the lakes area. We got out the books and maps and picked Arthur Lake to have a look at with other spots close by for our picking if we wanted. We pulled into the area near 2pm and found a great place to camp after looking at one other place we set up camp and started to relax. We are over looking Arthur Lake and have only trees in front of us. James is playing remote control cars again and I am just dot sitting enjoying the view. Tomorrow we are heading into Devonport and taking a cabin for the night so we can be bright and fresh and early onto the boat on Sunday.

Us2martins in our last camping area in Tassie .

Hot Hot Hot.....The Foreigners

We had decided that if we could get into a good van park near to Hobart or Janes house we would accept the invitation so kindly offered by her and Marcus to join them for a BBQ and evening with friends to celebrate NYE. We got into Barilla Big 4 so we had a nice cooked breakfast with fresh eggs from Terry and Madz then packed and got ready to head towards town. We were in no hurry and had only 1 hour to drive but it was getting HOT fast and the sun had a real burn to it early. We said our farewells to Terry and Madz and promised another visit in years to come it was a great place to stop and visit.
As we headed back we noticed a shop selling a dozen fresh oysters for $8.50 so we stopped and bought James a dozen. We made it into camp by midday and set up fast to get out of the sun. We had to wash and as it was so hot we did that straight up and got it hung out in the sun. With the space we had and as we were only staying 1 night we decided not to put up the awing so we opened every window in the camper and got comfortable inside.
It was no hotter in or out of the camper so it did us fine. I then finished my book while James watched a movie and we had a short nap. The washing was dry in no time so we then got ready had cool showers and headed into Hobart to have a look around and then onto Janes for the evening.
Hobart is a beautiful city very small but it has everything and the old buildings are just stunningly beautiful. We drove past all the yachts that were in the Sydney to Hobart race and managed to sneak as the last car down the water front before they closed it for the night’s festivities. We then made our way back across the bridge slightly east and into Jane’s house.
Also celebrating at Janes house were her cousin Emma and her friends Tanya and her daughter Nic, Leanne, Jo and Alana. To say we had a great night was an understatement. Marcus was in fine form hitting the Cougar hard and straight up with the ladies mostly drinking Champagne James and I had a couple of quiet Seeds but the company and humour was like we had known each other for a long time we all laughed and joked for many hours. We were named the foreigners and they all wanted to hear our stories of our travels and laughed at us historically when we spoke of our adventure from Cradle Mountain to Cockle creek, I even had to ask them why they were looking at us as if we had 2 heads we were not the ones who lived here.
Marcus cooked up a storm on the BBQ and it was finally starting to cool off when we noticed a HUGE storm coming. The lighting was very impressive as were the large dark clouds surrounding it all. We could see the rain coming and oh boy did it come. It only probably rained for about 30minutes but it bucketed down. We were then all so much cooler and we made our way back outside to enjoy the rest of the night.
Leanne, Jo and Alana all said farewell and not long after Emma decided to leave. Marcus’s cousin Lee then showed up with his partner Bec and they were staying for a while and we decided to see the New Year in back at camp so we also said our thanks and farewells and headed “home”.

Us2martins mixing it with the locals in Tassie.