Monday, November 10, 2014

Homeward bound,

Sunday we woke to another stunningly beautiful day. We had breakfast overlooking the water and then took a stroll though the markets which were in the park right next to the caravan park. We bought some really yummy fresh produce and had a potter through all the stalls. After we needed some groceries for dinner and the next week.  We got to the Woolies only to discover they don't open on Sundays!!!!!! Well with our fridges only having veggies left we planned a vegetarian dinner. From there we visited the local coffee shop and had some of their "famous" fudge. It was so smooth and delicious and went down perfectly with our large Latte's. We were full of sugar and completely relaxed. We drove and found the famous Big Mango then back to camp where we spent the afternoon reading under the palm trees. Then watched the V8's on TV and had dinner in the camp kitchen chatting with fellow travellers. 

Monday I woke and wasn't very well. After a ride in an ambulance and a few hours in hospital I was given the all clear and went back to the trailer to rest. James had been my hero and had packed away the trailer and moved spots as we couldn't stay in the spot we were in and then set it all back up. I rested and slept all afternoon and by the night felt better. 

Tuesday we packed and thanked the park staff for all their help and made a turn for home. We drove all day and pulled into camp about 5.30pm. We found a nice grassy free spot not far off the highway. After an easy dinner we settled into bed early. 

Wednesday and the final stretch home. We were excited to be getting home and were up and on the road by 8am. We had a great run and made it home for 2pm and enjoyed a late lunch with Mum. Dad arrived home a little later. We had packed some basic clothes and toiletries into bags so after plugging the car and trailer into power to keep the fridges going we just chilled out. It was nice to be home.