Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Its been a HUGE year...

Wow so that was 2007. The first half of the year went without any notice but the last half seemed to take forever for a very nice change. So where were we and what did we do in 2007. We moved and then moved again which now sees us back living in the City with Cameron and Paul house sitting. It has its HUGE benefits and some down sides but the upside out weighs it all.

We both are still working the same jobs and loving them. I had a new addition to my babies which welcomed baby Edward, also known as eddie or bear, to the clan. He is not so much of a baby now and just keeps growing every day. I find it just amazing being so close and part of a family to be able to give and receieve so much love is far beyond what I could have ever imagined in a job, at times I have to pinch myself to believe how lucky I am working with such lovely people.

The biggest part of 2007 has to be our wedding of course. It went off so smoothly thanks to my Mum mostly and with a massive amount of support and understanding from my Dad for all involved. Without my beautiful parents we would never have had such a wonderful day. It was a day that will always be remebered and cherished forever.

My beautiful sister in law Tanya and brother chris have just announced they will be having their second child in early August 2008 we are just so excited for them. Maggie, Emma, Zane and Lachlann are just all growing so fast it is hard to keep track of all of them. We were so lucky this year to spend time over christmas with all of them and just enjoy their company and see how much they have all grown up.

Another Tuff Truck was run and won, Easter passed in a flash as did all the other long weekends. This year for the fist time I competed in the Willowglen Challenge in our Sierra. Not to blow my own horn but on the second day of competition I kicked butt and boy did I enjoy it. It was wonderful to have Tascha join us on the long weekend and from that a fantastic relationship was developed with our mate Peter whom james navi's for in competition. We wish Tasch and Pete the happiest times together.

So here closes 2007 and I know I said it in another blog before but I am going to keep this going this year and keep closer contact via this so everyone can keep up and we can keep communicating.

Bring on 2008 I cant wait to see what it has in stall for us........Love Ya all......Us.